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Dementia Joe went of script and made the following announcement:

“All the way across the Indian Ocean?”  This I have to see.  One wag noted, “Will it pass through Korea on its way to India? The world could use a little Seoul Train about now.”

A majority of Americans say that the latest foray by the DOJ against PDJT is politically motivated.  This includes more than a quarter of Democrats.

Apparently the brainwashing of Democrats has been less successful than usual.  Where is Obama when the Left really needs him?

In the middle of the blowback against the mutilation of children in the name of “gender-affirming” care and against the exposure of children to sexually explicit material in school libraries, Maryland’s governor Wes Moore shows that the Democrats are all in on exposing children to sexual perversion.  He defended allowing children to access explicit materials in an interview with former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on MSNBC.

The money quote here is interesting given the position that Democrats have taken on these subjects.  “It’s not about making kids feel uncomfortable. It’s about telling other kids that they shouldn’t understand their own power.  It’s castrating them.”

Castrating them indeed.  That is what gender affirming care is for boys who pretend to be girls.

Citizen Free Press tweeted the video, “Biden gropes Eva Longoria today at White House.”

One commenter noted:

Biden is like all 7 Dwarfs: Sleazy, Gropey, Bribey, Cheaty, Stealy, Vengeful and Doc.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was on with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.

Senator Paul went off on Bill Gates and his controversial funding of bat coronavirus.

Senator Rand Paul: Bill Gates has been over there recently. Bill Gates is the largest funder of trying to find these viruses in remote caves and bring them to big cities. So what happened in China is they went eight to 10 hours south of Wuhan, two to 300ft deep into a cave, found viruses, and took them back to a city of 15 million. There are many, many scientists who think that Bill Gates is wrong in funding this.

I guess we can add Bill Gates to the list of haters of humanity along with Tony Fauci.  They sure caused a lot of suffering and death!

The press secretary speaks the truth.  It just happens by chance every once in a while.

There is no question about the historic nature of this administration.  It is historically bad.  The corruption of the man in the Oval Office is historic.  And the first diversity hire for press secretary is historic as it demonstrates that one should hire based on merit and not skin color and sexual orientation.

Public education in many of our big cities is in crisis.  There is an absolute deluge of students who cannot perform at grade level in the basics of reading ‘riting and ‘rithmetic.  Despite this NYC reached an agreement with their teachers union for an expensive new contract.

The city’s new contract gives teachers raises and bonuses of up to 20% and is retroactive to 2022.  Of course, there are no merit based clauses in the contract.

Don Surber notes:

Of course, this is the way the Democrats want it.  They want failed schools because the only way to keep them Democrat is to keep them stupid.

The highlight for the insanity on the Left came on Sunday.   This has to be a Freudian slip by the House rep from the US Virgin Islands, right?

“Having Trump not only having the codes but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and share it in his resort with anyone and everything who comes through should be terrifying to all Americans.”

 “He needs to be (shot) — Stopped.”

Was this a dog whistle to turn potential assassins loose?

How many RINOs will stand in the way of a censor resolution for this individual?