Democratic Party Has Been Hijacked

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The Democratic Party was inaugurated by Thomas Jefferson and at its birth was firmly opposed to a strong, central government.   Jefferson’s philosophy was based on the fundamental belief that the people are capable of self-government.  Jefferson championed states’ rights and strict constitutional interpretation.

That approach of the Democrats is long gone.  Of course, in some areas of the country, they are trying to erase Thomas Jefferson.  The Democratic Party has become communist progressive and has been for a long time.  They rely on dividing the country into classes that they then exploit using a variety of techniques to pit one group against another.  And this has been going on for a long time.

“Equal but separate” was a Democratic slogan after the Civil War that was used to keep the black population subjugated.  This was later codified into our laws by the Supreme Court decision in Plessy v Ferguson in May of 1896.  This was a horribly wrong-headed decision that perpetrated the discrimination of blacks.  It ensured the survival of the Jim Crow South for more than 50 years.

After the Plessy decision, other Democrats helped to perpetuate segregation.   The military services and the White House were integrated until President Woodrow Wilson segregated them. He was a blatant racist, who worked to stymie black progress in employment and government participation. His racist policies in segregating government employees persisted for decades.

FDR was also a racist. Much has been written to hide the fact that, in his New Deal, the TVA was gerrymandered to avoid providing electricity to areas predominately inhabited by blacks. Most employment and job training programs specifically excluded blacks. If one looks at pictures from those programs, one is hard put to find anything but white faces.  FDR’s signature Social Security has had the effect of migrating wealth from lower income classes to upper income classes, miring the poor in perpetual poverty.

LBJ’s track record of racism is well documented. Unarguably the most racist and destructive accomplishment of LBJ’s administration was the welfare system. That act has done more to destroy the black nuclear family than even slavery could accomplish. Destruction of the black family is the single most contributing factor to the social chaos and lawlessness found in major cities today.

The Communists Democrats recognized that controlling the nation’s schools was the path that would lead to their total control of the country.  Ergo, the Department of Education was established to help “improve the country’s education system.”   How has that worked out?

Before the establishment of the Department of Education, the U.S. had small, local school districts with minimal government control. Our students consistently ranked in the top five, frequently #1, globally. Fast forward under a mere 50 years of Progressive Democrat control, and we are spending 30% more than the average of all other industrialized nations but our students consistently rank in the upper 20s, low 30s in global educational results.  Not only that but many schools in urban areas do not have a single student performing at grade level in basics like reading and arithmetic.

Education is controlled to a very large degree by the NEA and the AFT, neither of which has the slightest interest in the education of students but exist only to push Progressive ideology into every classroom and fund Democrat Party politics.

The Democratic Party and their allies support, fund and promote the perversity seen in various Pride Month celebrations.  And they expect everyone to celebrate this perversity.

They are now openly telling the public that they are coming for our children.  The sole purpose of the LGBT agenda is to obliterate and destroy the American family unit, enforcing the ideology that children are to be relinquished to the state for indoctrination training. (Once again I ask, why is there a Pride Month?).

Chaos is the Democratic Party’s middle name.  Liberal leftism has not only failed as an ideology but it has proved fatal to millions of people worldwide.

The Democrat Party is not salvageable if we wish to return to a functioning constitutional Republic. The depravity and corruption within it are being exposed every day.  For that matter, the Republican Party has its own problems especially at the elite level.  However, it is possible that PDJT may be able to right that ship.

How do we move forward?

Dennis O’Connor has suggested an answer:

What is the answer?  Seniors, one of the nation’s largest voting blocs, have the history, experience, and expertise to throw out these dysfunctional radicals.  They must lead a crusade joined by traditional Democrats, Republicans, and other Americans, real patriots who will protect the goodness and decency of American society.   We must look within ourselves with love of country and ask questions: “what life do we want for our children and their children?”  “Who benefits by destroying our history and the freedom and thoughts of others?”

Can it be done?

I once again quote the words of Mike Vanderboegh:

“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”

“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”

And from PDJT:

“May God continue to strengthen our hearts and sustain our souls. May God continue to shed His divine grace upon this land. And may God forever bless the United States of America.”

The best is yet to come

1 thought on “Democratic Party Has Been Hijacked

  1. David

    The Democrats prey on the ignorant. They want people to vote on emotions not logic. It is key to their survival. I grew up in liberal Massachusetts listening to these people. They don’t care about their constituents. They want to keep them where they are so they can influence them to vote for them. I’ve seen it for years and it’s disgusting. Anyone with some common sense can see it. Trump was a Democrat when I was growing up. Look at where he is now. I believe that we need MORE political parties in this country not just democrats and republicans. Maybe then we won’t have all this corruption by both parties trying to stay in power and actually get politicians that work for the people and not to enrich themselves or their political careers.

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