Now that Pride Month is in our rear view mirror, we need to always remember the other important celebrations on the LGBT calendar. Failing to acknowledge even one of these celebrations would brand one as a hateful bigot who favors genocide for anyone on the LGBT spectrum.
Keep in mind that we need to set aside special events to celebrate LGBT at least every other week. If LGBT people have to endure even three weeks without being celebrated for how special they are, they will die. Such an event would rival the Holocaust in its impact.
So, with that in mind, here is a partial list of such celebrations:
- Bisexual Health Awareness Month
- International Transgender Day of Visibility
- National LGBT Health Awareness Week
- National Transgender HIV Testing Day
- Non-Binary Parents Day
- Lesbian Visibility Day
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, & Biphobia.
- Harvey Milk Day
- Pansexual & Pan Romantic Awareness & Visibility Day
- Non-Binary Awareness Week
- International Drag Day
- LGBTQ History Month (not to be confused w/ Pride Month)
- International Lesbian Day
- National Coming Out Day
- National LGBT Center Awareness Day
- Asexual Awareness Week
- International Pronouns Day
- Transgender Parent Day
- Pansexual Pride Day
- Gay Uncles Day