An Awakening

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Going back to Oliver Anthony’s Rich Men North of Richmond, at his first performance less than a week after his song went ‘viral’, the audience sang along, already knowing the words.

There is an awakening going on.

This song and its meteoric rise to the top along with the same kind of reaction to Try That In A Small Town shows a very strong antithesis to the elite narrative about what is best for this country.  The Sound of Freedoms movie smashing box office records (they hoped to sell 2 million tickets…they are past 15 million at this point), is another example of people not bowing down to the jackboot thugs running the country.  The support of this movie by the public has to scare the living s**t out of some of our elitist politicians and celebrities.

DeSantis’s kamikaze campaign, PDJT’s poll #’s despite every indictment, these are all INDICATORS, and all part of a larger mosaic.  The people of this country have had enough of the elitist minority who are running the country.  They are tired out having no say in how the country is run.

Canada’s Freedom Convoy has shown us the way.  The Freedom Convoy in Canada was one of the most successful grassroots campaigns in history.  Trudeau made headlines when he invoked the Emergencies Act.  However, the House of Lords refused to back him up.  Within a week most of the demands of the truckers had been met.  Within a month almost all.  Several provincial governments were toppled.  The media buried this story as best as they could.

The same thing is possible here.  Look into a patriot’s eyes and see that gleam of determination. There’s a rich history of it in this great country.  We are the Big Club, we HAVE a Big Club, and we can use it, so easily; all we have to do…is nothing.

Don’t go to work, don’t take kids to school, and do not purchase…anything.

Of course, to do this hopefully you have been stockpiling necessities, and telling like-minded people to do the same.

At this point, all it takes is a ‘precipitating event.’  What will that event be?  I am sure most of us can easily envision several events that would fall into that category.

A stoppage like this would shake the very foundations of leftist groupthink.  They did not believe that Anheuser Busch would suffer any long-term declines due to their insane campaign to normalize the mental illness of transgender behavior.  They were wrong.  Bud Light, long the undisputed leader in beer sales in this country, has dropped precipitously.  They will not recover.

A-B gave their customer base the middle finger salute with that ad campaign.  This Bud is no longer for you.

The same approach can be used with any entity that ignores the public and decides to travel down some fantasy bubble about how the world works.

At this point, many of us are at the point of saying “Go ahead, MAKE my day, punk!”

The genie is out of the bottle.