Democratic Rights and Norms

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Now that the Republican campaign season is officially open with the first primary debate over in Wisconsin, it is probably a good idea to see what promises they are making that everyone knows they will not keep.  During the runup to these events and in interviews afterwards, the erstwhile candidates to be first loser often go deep into their visions for the country.  Again this is just blathering on their part but it is often fun to see just how hypocritical these people can be.

Recently the elephant who was in the room in Wisconsin went deep on his foreign policy vision, saying the U.S. must push back against authoritarian leaders and uphold democratic rights and norms in a broad preview of what foreign policy in his administration would look like.

Uphold “democratic rights and norms” ”push back against authoritarian leaders?” We do not have to look abroad to find such animals.  The COVID-19 regime gives us plenty of examples in this country of authoritarian leaders usurping citizens’ rights.

How exactly was democracy evident in forced vaccinations? How about the medical rules mandated by fiat?  Were not the shutdowns, lockdowns and violations of just about every right a citizen is supposed to have evidence of a totalitarian regime at work?

It wasn’t Russia or Vladimir Putin who forced the U.S. government to mandate medical procedures.  It wasn’t China or Xi Jinping who denied people the ability to comfort their sick, infirmed and dying loved ones.  It wasn’t North Korea or Chairman Kim who arrested parents on playgrounds, chased people from the beach or set about rules saying if you were seated in a restaurant you were safe, but if you stood up the virus would kill you.  These were the insufferable dictates of hypocritical politicians right here in the USA.

While we are at it, let’s review some other events.

Who claimed a desire for Middle East peace and then set the Middle East on fire with his Arab Spring speech in Cairo?  Who accepted the Nobel Peace Prize and then set Libya on fire and killed thousands?  Who claimed to want to keep Israel safe and then undermined Egyptian President Fattah al-Sisi for trying to help to create Israeli security?

Who championed women’s rights while in front of a microphone and then embraced the Muslim Brotherhood.  Even apologists for the Brotherhood agree that the status of women inside the Brotherhood is a “weak point.”  In this country, who is undermining the rights of women and girls with their ridiculous campaign to promote transgenderism, a mental illness?  Was this undermining of women’s and girls’ rights something that Congress voted for?  Or was it decided by executive fiat?

Who stood in Cairo, Egypt and told Islamic extremists that the US would not interfere if they turned violent?  Who then told Black Lives Matter in Ferguson, Missouri the same thing, that the message was “burn this place down?”  The fact that the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative was a fraud did not matter.

Who has said anyone who walked calmly through the Capitol Building guided by police “are a threat to the very soul of this country?”  At the same time who called those who burned, looted, murdered and committed other violent acts “mostly peaceful protesters” after George Floyd died of a drug overdose?

Did any of the people on the stage in Wisconsin take a stand against any of these totalitarian acts as they were being perpetrated?

Democratic rights and norms?  Just another windbag playing a song he thinks people want to hear.

1 thought on “Democratic Rights and Norms

  1. David

    There isn’t a thing they can say to get me to vote for a democrat. Nothing! I’m scared of the next level of tyranny they will bring to our federal government. They have divided people so we don’t fight back. At some point, we ALL will.

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