Election News

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Who is expected to win in the New Hampshire Communist Democratic primary?  Joe Biden, though it doesn’t really matter. Last year the Democratic National Committee knocked New Hampshire from its “first in the nation primary” status, instructing the state to go second, after South Carolina (Iowa was removed from the ranks of “early states” altogether). But under New Hampshire law the state’s primary has to be first, and a Republican-controlled state government had no interest in accommodating Biden and the DNC. Thus, New Hampshire Democrats are holding an “unsanctioned” primary.

Naturally, President Biden refused to file as a candidate in this “rogue” primary and hasn’t campaigned in New Hampshire. Yet polls show him winning easily as a write-in candidate; he’s at 59 percent in the RCP averages, with Dean Phillips at 10.7 percent and Marianne Williamson at 5.3 percent.

DeSantis has cancelled Sunday media appearances. It looks like the end is nigh, Armageddon is at hand, it’s over, the drain is circled, a fat lady is needed…

These signals seem to indicate that DeSantis recognizes the handwriting on the wall.  The really classy thing to do would be to drop out before New Hampshire and throw his support behind PDJT.  The real question is will his handlers let him?


DeSantis has suspended his campaign and has endorsed Donald Trump.  During his recorded announcement, DeSantis seemed relieved.  Perhaps not having to be a cardboard cutout of a candidate anymore had something to do with that.

Team Nikki has spent $30 million on ads in New Hampshire.  Trump about half of that.  Trump leads in the polls 53% to 36%.  Team Nikki was predicting a landslide win in NH a few months ago.  Now they are saying that all along they were just looking for a strong second place finish there.  With DeSantis dropping out, if that does not happen, is it time for the fat lady to sing?

It is time for Nikki Haley to stop wasting her donors’ money.