Battle Won

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After months of continental mobilization, all signs indicate that farmers have achieved a major victory against the European Union and its failed, crippling ‘green’ policies and regulations.

The MSM tried to characterize the protests as being about ‘subsidies’ and ‘protection against products from lesser regulated countries’ – but a core demand that united all nationalities was the stark rejection of the ‘Global warming’ climate alarmism, and the policies and regulations derived from it.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has proposed withdrawing the EU’s plan which would have halved fertilizer usage.  Von der Leyen noted:

“‘Our farmers deserve to be listened to.’

‘I know that they are worried about the future of agriculture and their future as farmers. But they also know that agriculture needs to move to a more sustainable model of production so that their farms remain profitable in the years to come’.”

Von der Leyen is trying to pretend that she cares about the farmers.  That she wants them to be prosperous.  That is simply not true.  Von Der Leyen would much rather have large agricultural companies in charge of farming so that she could control their outputs more easily.  The messiness of small, independent farmers standing up to the privileged class is off-putting to her.

European farmers’ lobby COPA-COGECA welcomed Von der Leyen’s remarks:

“‘The EU Commission finally acknowledges that its approach was not the right one, and so strengthens the credibility and importance of the current strategic dialogue.’

The farmers and truckers had tied up roads and highways in Europe.  All of this was done peacefully.  The EU with their media partners were unable to deflect the public’s attention despite numerous forays into categorizing the protests as being some extremist movement tied to Naziism.

Of course, this is not over.  Those who would enslave most of the population will regroup and look for some other approach to sneak totalitarianism into the everyday lives of the public.

The things people need to live and enjoy prosperity are not produced by government. They are produced by other people.

Governments when very limited in size can be of use for preventing the barbarian hordes from destroying the property of private people engaged in productive work.  In a very limited scope, government can facilitate things by maintaining a road network and so on. Anytime they go beyond that they are more likely to reduce prosperity than to help anything.

In the end, throughout human history, governments have killed more people than everybody else put together.