A Most Humiliating Defeat

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Is it time for Nikki Haley to pack up her campaign baggage and retire to the cocktail party circuit?  After what happened in Nevada, Haley should be wishing she had never listened to the billionaires who wooed her and financed her to run.

From AOL News:

Nikki Haley suffered an embarrassing loss in the Republican presidential primary in Nevada on Tuesday, receiving far fewer votes than the “none of these candidates” option, according to the Associated Press.

With 86% of the votes counted, Haley received less than half (20,799, or 30.8%) of the 42,534 garnered by “none of these candidates.”

It was a contest that former President Donald Trump did not compete in and which the state party tried to have canceled. Nonetheless, a combination of intense support for Trump and distaste for Haley among Republican voters in the state combined to deal her an unusual humiliation.

Trump was not on the ballot in Nevada.  Delegates to the convention are earned at caucuses that are held on February 8th.  Haley is not entered into those contests.  Why not?  Is because Haley knew that she would be dealt a big loss there?  Was Haley trying to avoid being a distant second to Trump?

Is this why she entered the primary there when both Trump and DeSantis did not?  Was Haley thinking that she had an easy win which she could parade around even though no delegates would be earned? Has any presidential candidate in the history of this country ever experienced such a humiliating defeat?

After Haley was soundly thrashed by “None of These Candidates,” Haley labeled the primary process a scam and that it was rigged to favor PDJT.  Haley claimed:

“We knew months ago that we weren’t going to spend a day or a dollar in Nevada because it wasn’t worth it. And so, we didn’t even count Nevada. That wasn’t anything we were looking at. We knew that was rigged from the start. Our focus is on South Carolina, Michigan, Super Tuesday.”

Haley showed her politician bonafides when she lied.  She said they did not spend a dollar in Nevada.  Just getting on the ballot costs money.  Haley must think the American public is stupid and ignorant.

Is Haley writing her memoirs?  The title probably should be “How to Lose And Look Like A Complete Idiot!”