Category Archives: Chloroquine


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Back in 2008 Barack Obama ran on a platform to “fundamentally transform” America.  Of course, most people did not realize that Obama wanted to transform America from a country of freedom and liberty into one that would be managed by government elites from the top down.  Marxism, socialism and communism were the trademarks of the Obama regime.  The idea of individual freedoms was at the bottom of Obama’s list.

Today, 17 years later, we are seeing the most dramatic shift in the perceptions of our government and the government of other countries in hundreds of years.

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mRNA Side Effects     

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For those who followed the science on the mRNA catastrophe, deleterious side effects were well known with this novel medical protocol which had never been widely used on human beings before COVID.  Many studies exist that demonstrate that this medical intervention that was masquerading as a vaccine should never have been released for use.

The mRNA “vaccine” got an emergency use authorization because the medical “experts” in our government suppressed knowledge of effective treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

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Disinformation Governance Board

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Some of you may recall the “Disinformation Governance Board” (DGB) that was proposed by the administration a while back.  It flared briefly in the heavens before suffering a rapid demise.   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), had suggested that Nina Jankowicz lead this organization.  Of course, as everyone knows by now, she herself is a serial spreader of misinformation.

Officially the creation of this new federal agency has been “paused.”  The board had been the subject of weeks of backlash from Republicans, libertarians and even some liberals, who likened the scheme to the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell’s classic novel “1984.”

Exactly what “paused” means is unclear.  Knowing Washington and the corrupt bureaucrats who live there, it probably means that they will wait until they can sneak it back into existence during the dead of night.  There is growing resistance to any such attempt.

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We Know Not What We Do

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If you want to know what is coming next in the COVID world, it is instructive to look at countries that embraced the jabs as a way out of the COVID insanity.  Israel was the first country to go whole hog with vaccination.  To say that their results have been disappointing vastly understates the magnitude of the letdown.

Britain probably jabbed people faster than any other country except Israel.  By July last year, 98 percent of British adults had coronavirus antibodies, mostly through vaccination. Yet 35,000 Britons since then have died of COVID. Nearly all were jabbed.

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State of the Union

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Tonight the mindless inhabitant of the White House will give a State of the Union address.  Undoubtedly the Ukraine situation will be part of such an address. Also certain is the fact that COVID will be included.  I believe that the Democrats will attempt to declare victory over this scourge of mankind.

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Incriminating Evidence

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Does real world data mean anything?  Apparently to the Dr. Fauci’s of the world, the only time real world data is useful is when it supports the narrative being put forward by them.  If, however, such data is in disagreement with their scripted narrative, it must be censored and destroyed.  And those who would engage in bringing such data to the attention of the public must be destroyed as well.

What we are seeing at the highest levels of our public health agencies (think NIH, CDC, FDA) is not science.  It is scientism.  Its current head is the sainted Dr. Fauci who controls most of the government’s response to health matters in America.  The ability of real science to function properly is jeopardized by scientism, not promoted by it.  Those who receive funding via the NIH, worship at its altar to the detriment of the public health of all Americans.

Steve Kirsch, a former high tech entrepreneur, has been a gold mine for real world data.  He is using such data to ask questions of those who would control every aspect of our lives.  Kirsch has offered a $1 million incentive for health authorities to go on record and have a discussion about the evidence that is summarized in his article “Incriminating Evidence.”  He has no takers.

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Faucian Reality

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Dr. Fauci went on the Sunday TV circuit to push the vaccine narrative.  And a narrative it is.  Its connection to anything scientific is tenuous at best.  Fauci admitted to the world that there was absolutely no benefit to having a vaccine mandate to board an airliner.  The only benefit was to coerce more people into getting vaccinated.  Let me repeat that.  Dr. Fauci has now come out and admitted that the only benefit of a vaccine mandate to board an airliner is to force more people to get jabbed.  So “trust the science” is just a smokescreen to advance other control mechanisms.

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Another Red Flag

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There are continuing reports of people dying at higher rates than normal in many countries following mass vaccinations.  A huge study done in Sweden appears to support this finding.  Alex Berenson has teased out the data within this report.

Alexander Berenson (born January 6, 1973) is an American writer. He was an investigative reporter for The New York Times and has authored several thriller novels and a book on corporate financial filings.  Early in the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Berenson vocally argued that people and the media were overestimating the risk of the new virus, that it posed little risk to young Americans, and that it was being used as a cover for government overreach.  All of this has turned out to be true.  As a result, Twitter has permanently banned Berenson from its platform for violations of its COVID policies for spreading the truth.

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Why Jab Kids?

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California’s governor Gavin Newsome has not been seen in public since being injected with Moderna’s COVID booster shot on October 27th.  Why?  Why did he cancel a trip to the “climate change” gathering of the planet’s elite?  This twice a decade event was a great opportunity for Newsome to hobnob with the woke elite of the world.

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