Category Archives: Communism

Hillary Calls For Censorship

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Hillary is like a bad penny.  She keeps showing up.

Hillary Clinton continues to try to convince Americans that censorship is needed on the Internet.  When the politicians like her had control over the media, there was less concern about unapproved narratives being heard across the country.  The media gatekeepers would not let certain stories out into the public realm.  Today with the Internet, that is not the case.

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Harris Does A Podcast

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Apparently, the Democrats have noticed that PDJT has been doing podcast interviews on a regular basis.  Their surveys of these may have shown that PDJT is making inroads into different demographics of the voting public because of this.  Perhaps this led to a decision to allow Harris to “go it alone” with a podcast interviewer.

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The Great Fraud

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“Threats to democracy” is something that we hear from the Communists inside the Democratic Party regularly.  It was a constant refrain from people like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.  Lately Hillary Clinton has resurfaced to spread such crap as well.  And there are many other Democrats who engage in this kind of character assassination.

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Not Pretending

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Kamala Harris has a problem.  There are still 45 days to go before the election and more and more people are not pretending anymore.  As has been stated here numerous times, the marionette strings are becoming visible to more and more people.  Once one sees those strings, one can never return to that moment in the performance when one did not see them.

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Opportunity Economy

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Kamala Harris cackles her way through scripted interviews. Of course, Harris has a chaperone for these interviews.  She and Walz dance around bringing “joy to the world!”  But when you actually get her talking about policy, about what she believes in, the cackling stops.  Harris is the daughter of a Marxist professor.  And her “values have not changed.” it’s just communism all the way down.

What does this mean for economic policy?

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