Category Archives: Communism

Unconstitutional Lockdowns

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In Washington State, Governor Jay Inslee (D) has decided to forcibly quarantine people if they refuse to be tested for the Wuhan coronavirus. Also, if one member of your household tests positive, or if you refuse to be tested, the entire family will be forcibly quarantined.

WND News Services reports,

State Republican Rep. Matt Shea of the Spokane area in eastern Washington, explained in a video interview with The New American magazine that the camps are part of Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee’s policy of contract tracing, which has been implemented by many states.

He explained that the tracers visit people who may have been infected and advise them they can isolate at a center to protect other members of their household.

While the infected person may be asked to volunteer, the government makes it clear that people can be forcibly quarantined, Shea pointed out.

He read a line from a form that local health officers are to present to someone who is infected.

It says: “If you do not comply with this request for voluntary quarantine I may/will sign a detention order, enforced by the police, to ensure your compliance.”

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A Day In The Sunshine

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Dr. Ivette Lozano has been a physician for 29 years.  She gives full disclosure at the beginning of her talk that she is an activist.  Dr. Lozano said she became an activist when Obamacare was passed into law.

Currently practicing the Dallas area, Dr. Lozano discussed treatment options for Wuhan virus patients.  She talks about the drug touted by PDJT during one of his daily press briefings.   Although that treatment was being used around the world, its potential use in America was attacked and vilified by the media and the medical establishment in this country.  The media and Dr. Fauci were successful in inhibiting the use of this treatment especially before hospitalization.

The video is somewhat lengthy.

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Was The Police State Dry Run Successful?

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There are literally thousands of memes circulating on the internet about the Wuhan virus pandemic.  Some are funny.  Some express satire.  Others are directed at one political party or the other, at one political personage or another.  And then there are some like this one.

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