Category Archives: Congress

The War On Christianity Continues

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One of the enduring legacies of the Obama administration has been the ongoing war against Christianity in this country.  PDJT had some success in blunting this during his time in office.  However, it has returned with a vengeance since the senile old fool moved into the Oval Office.

One of the aspects of the takeover by communists of any country is to diminish, if not outright ban, religious observances.  Barack Obama was famous for having changed “the free exercise of religion” to “freedom of worship.”  This was a step towards reducing the rights of the American people to freedom of religion.

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Ukrainian Money Flow

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An interesting infographic from Will Geary [SOURCE] that gives context to the amount of money the United States is spending in Ukraine.  This is being done to support a dictator who has banned opposition political parties, is threatening to close down churches who do not share his “vision of the world” and whose wife just spent 40,000 euros in a few hours at a Paris boutique.

Each dot in the video represents $100,000.00 as outlined.

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Joe Biden’s America

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Joe Hoft of the Gateway Pundit reported on a prediction that Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, made BEFORE the 2020 election.  Adams tweeted that if Biden gained the Oval Office, “Republicans will be hunted.”  He wrote in a follow-up tweet, “Police will stand down.”

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Let the Cheating Begin

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday admitted in a hot-mic moment to the Avatar in the White House that Pennsylvania Senate Democratic candidate John Fetterman hurt his chances with a shaky debate performance Tuesday night.  Shaky is a euphemism for unmitigated disaster since Fetterman was unable to process auditory information without a closed captioning system.  Fetterman was also unable to articulate his positions on many issues.  However, Schumer didn’t think that they, the Dems, were hurt too much.  Why is that?

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Fetterman vs Biden

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A couple of weeks back, the media went apoplectic when someone over at MSNBC indicated that John Fetterman had difficulty in understanding small talk.  They accused her of being biased, of deliberately trying to damage Fetterman’s chances at gaining the US Senate seat.

They owe her an apology.  In fact, the case could be made that she vastly understated the problems that Fetterman has.  There was a debate in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night with Mehmet Oz.  The awkward and often cringeworthy responses by Fetterman during that debate, proved beyond any shadow of a doubt there are some serious mental issues with the former stroke victim.  The real debate may be who is least cognitively impaired, John Fetterman or Joe Biden

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Faith In Humanity Restored? No One Trusts the Media

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The newest Gallup polls tell us that our confidence in two facets of the news media has fallen to all-time low points. “Just 16% of U.S. adults now say they have ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in newspapers and 11% in TV news.”

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Playing A Dangerous Game

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Russia has annexed four provinces that were formerly part of Ukraine.  Ceremonies have been held in Moscow celebrating these events.  This was done after the provinces held referendums on which country they wanted to be part of.

What I have written above are the facts as they exist right now.  There is no bias to these facts.  There is no ideological bent to these facts.  Where there is disagreement is in the stated results.

Russia claimed that the result was favorable to them.  The West claims it was all a fraud.  In war everybody lies about something.

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