Category Archives: Disinformation

MAGA Youth Movement

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The early returns on this administration point to an evolving youth movement within MAGA.  Trump does not always need to be the center of attention.  It is not always Trump who is espousing democratic values and nationalist ideals.  PDJT seems comfortable sharing the spotlight.  Now that is not to say that PDJT is shunning the spotlight.  Trump’s recent trips to the Super Bowl and Daytona 500 kill that thought.  However, there is no question PDJT is sitting back and allowing a younger generation to get some attention.

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The Long Knives Have Come Out For Tulsi Gabbard

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The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is essentially blaming Tulsi Gabbard for the slow schedule for her confirmation as Director of National Intelligence (DNI).   The supposed reason?  Gabbard did not submit her question survey to the SSCI.   Of course, the SSCI had never sent Gabbard the questionnaire for her to complete.

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The Coup

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Four years later, it is important to review what happened on January 6, 2021 in DC.  It is important to repeat the facts of the day and to identify the whys of what happened.  The history books need to reflect the reality of the day.

Following the scale of manipulation and fraud within the 2020 election, those involved needed to stop any state delegate challenge.  One successful state election challenge would have upended the entire house of cards.  To prevent this, an emergency session was needed for electoral vote count certification.  Under an emergency session, normal debate rules would be suspended.  The ability to bring a motion to the floor to challenge a state election would be vaporized.

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The Carnival Comes to DC

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On Thursday, the carnival will descend on Washington DC.  As with all carnivals, there will be the usual flimflam acts.  These are acts designed to deceive the public and pretend that something is true when it is not.  And just where will these carnival acts take place?  Why, in the US Capitol Building, of course.  They will be part of the State of the Union address from the most feeble-minded President in US history.

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In her keynote address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen reaffirmed Europe’s “unwavering support” for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s invasion.  However, in the open admission of priority, President Von der Leyen declares the #1 priority of the corporations who run the WEF and the world of politics, must be control of speech and information that is not aligned with their interests.

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