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In her keynote address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen reaffirmed Europe’s “unwavering support” for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s invasion.  However, in the open admission of priority, President Von der Leyen declares the #1 priority of the corporations who run the WEF and the world of politics, must be control of speech and information that is not aligned with their interests.

“Unwavering support?”  the public in Europe is tired of Ukraine coming before the addressing of problems in their own countries.  How many of the eastern European countries are “unwavering?”  Is Hungary unwavering?  How about Poland?  There are many more countries whose leadership may toe the official political line now but whose public sees things quite differently.

Watch first two minutes.

von der Leyen pushed the idea that controlling misinformation and disinformation are critical to the path forward.  Just who gets to decide what is misinformation or disinformation?  During COVID we saw the truth being labelled as mis or dis information.  The true origins of the virus were smeared as such.  The awful side effects of the mRNA therapy were suppressed.

Now von der Leyen says we need to rebuild trust.  I am sorry but that horse left the barn a long time ago.  The amounts of public money that were siphoned over to Big Pharma are staggering.  Some of this was re-cycled to the politicians who betrayed the public trust and sent it there in the first place.  And who is to say that that will not happen again.

A quote from Sundance seems relevant here.

“There is no such thing as “disinformation” or “misinformation” or “malinformation”.  There is only information.  There is information you accept and information you do not accept.  You were not born with a requirement to believe everything you are told; rather, you were born with a brain that allows you to process the information you receive and make independent decisions.” 

It is time to let these elitist snobs know that many more brains are working today.