Category Archives: Economics

What Hath Elon Musk Wrought, Part 3

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Exposing a coup.

The Elon Musk/Twitter saga has been most interesting to watch.  After purchasing a 9.2% share of Twitter, he then proposed buying the company outright.

Twitter acted to prevent the takeover by using a poison pill approach.  This would involve issuing shares at half price if any investor would gain ownership of more than 15% of the outstanding shares.

Twitter’s actions (poison pill offer) publicized Twitter’s desire to censor free speech.

What is this the sole purpose of all of Elon Musk’s actions?

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Bits & Pieces

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday he will formally seek to strip the Walt Disney Co. of its self-governing status after it publicly bashed the Sunshine State’s anti-grooming law.  Potential termination of all special districts that were announced in Florida prior to 1968 would be reviewed by the legislature.

Many families across the country are re-considering the Disney company for family activities.  This is due in part to Disney’s stated intentions of including “queerness” (their statement not mine) as much as possible in children’s programming.

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PPI Sets New Record

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The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) released March price data [Available Here] showing a dramatic 11.2% increase year-over-year in Final Demand products at the wholesale level.  This is the fifth consecutive month with the highest rate of inflation the PPI ever recorded.

The PPI (Producer Price Index) tracks wholesale price changes.  This includes Origination (commodity), Intermediate (processing), and Final (to wholesale).

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Highlights Or Lowlights If You Prefer

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Who is President?  On Tuesday Barack Obama returned to the White House for the first time since he left office.  Obama was there to boost Biden’s pathetic poll numbers and to argue that Obamacare was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

When the event ended, leading Democrats clustered around Obama while Biden walked about aimlessly.  Again, who is the real President?

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The latest assault on the English language and many others is the use of the word autocracy.  No one has been more autocratic in their governance than all the western leaders who triggered shutdowns, mandates, forced business closures and ultimately mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports.  None of those rules, regulations and mandates connected in any way to COVID came from democratic authorization.  None of them were passed through the legislative process.  Every last one of them came from unilateral fiat and powers grabbed as a result of emergency declarations.

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You Cannot Unsee The Corruption

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There is an old saying.  Once you can see the strings on the marionettes, you can never unsee them.  The same is true with governments.  Once you see the lies and manipulation coming from governments, you can never unsee them.

On the other side of the coin, once you see the truth, you can never not see it.  Justin Trudeau was seen as a young, brash politician who happened to be elected Prime Minister of a functioning democracy.  How many people realized that he was a wannabee dictator after the likes of Fidel Castro and Xi Jinping?  After his recent actions against the Freedom Convoy, how many people now realize this?  This is truth that cannot be unseen.

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Rules For The Common People

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Mayor Eric Adams declared a special carve-out to New York City’s employer vaccine mandate Thursday for professional athletes and performers, allowing unvaccinated athletes like Brooklyn Nets superstar Kyrie Irving back onto his home court.

“Today I signed an emergency executive order expanding the performance exemption to the private employer vaccine mandate,” he said.

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