Category Archives: Election


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The media is so desperate to stop Donald Trump it is now creating outrageous claims about his potential actions when he becomes President.  The problem is the claims are so outlandish, only the most sheltered blind liberal zombies will believe them.  In fact, the media’s latest idea that Trump will create “concentration camps and assassinate his rivals” are so out of line they are back firing on the media.

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Massive crowds continue to show up and support PDJT wherever he goes.  The kinds of crowds that PDJT draws have no corollary in American politics.  People have short memories but when has any candidate drawn crowds like PDJT draws?

Recently PDJT held a rally in Durham, NH.  People showed up many hours ahead of time just to be part of the rally.  The political elite call us “deplorables,” “fascists,” “Nazis” but it does not matter.  If anything PDJT’s support just grows stronger with every brickbat that they throw at him.  Soon half the country will be a “terror” watchlist because we support PDJT.

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Vivek Dunks Nikki

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The recent First Loser debate featured an absolute blow to Nikki Haley’s chances.  This comes right after Haley had gotten $500,000 from the Wall Street people who do not want PDJT to be anywhere near the White House.

This was one of the best moments — if not the very best — in the history of American political debates.

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A group of quiet, deliberate nationalists has taken the Netherlands by surprise.  No one saw this coming.  It is a bigger upset than the election in Argentina.  The Party for Freedom (PVV) won 37 seats in Parliament and now stand as the largest political force in the country.  Populist Geert Wilders is now on track to be the next prime minister.

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If there is one thing most elite politicians understand it is trajectories.  By trajectories, I mean the general trend of where history is headed.  This will often allow a politician to “evolve” on issues.  In the Republican Party, one of the clearest purveyors of trajectory thinking is Lindsey “Weather Vane” Graham, the Republican Senator from South Carolina.  Once Lindsey figures out where the prevailing sentiment on an issue is headed, he will most likely stake out a position in that direction.

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The idea that PDJT should be ineligible to run for President due to the “insurrection” that the government instigated on January 6th has been ludicrous from the beginning.  However, this has not stopped some people with serious cases of TDS from trying to do just that.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take a challenge to former President Donald Trump’s eligibility on New Hampshire’s ballots during the 2024 election.  The challenge was made on the basis that the aggrieved party was impaired from raising donations for his own campaign.  Yes, this is the serious reason given in this case to the courts

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