Category Archives: Election

SWAT Team to Raid Biden Basement

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Recently Project Veritas came into possession of leaked information from the FBI regarding election crimes.  This “guidance” document put “disinformation” into the category of an “election crime.”  Sharing such “false or inaccurate information intended to mislead others” may lead the FBI to charge people with election crimes.

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Political ‘Justice’ in America

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Recently Steve Bannon was sentenced to four months in jail for ignoring a subpoena from the sham January 6thCommittee.  This seems to be part of the plan to ensnare PDJT.   Recently the J6 committee issued a subpoena for PDJT to appear.  The Trump subpoena is clearly unconstitutional as it violates the separation of powers in the Constitution.  The Democrats do not care.  The sole purpose of the J6 committee is to find some way to keep PDJT from running again for President.

Daniel McAdams has penned a piece for the Ron Paul Institute that explores much of what is really going on here.  I have excerpted some of it with my own comments.

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Highlights & Lowlights

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Random people from Pittsburgh were chosen for an MSNBC focus group, and they showed that they know more about January 6th than the mainstream media.

Remember:  It is your patriotic duty to embarrass Big Media bobbleheads whenever possible.

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Fetterman vs Biden

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A couple of weeks back, the media went apoplectic when someone over at MSNBC indicated that John Fetterman had difficulty in understanding small talk.  They accused her of being biased, of deliberately trying to damage Fetterman’s chances at gaining the US Senate seat.

They owe her an apology.  In fact, the case could be made that she vastly understated the problems that Fetterman has.  There was a debate in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night with Mehmet Oz.  The awkward and often cringeworthy responses by Fetterman during that debate, proved beyond any shadow of a doubt there are some serious mental issues with the former stroke victim.  The real debate may be who is least cognitively impaired, John Fetterman or Joe Biden

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Panic Time

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Don Surber had a couple of interesting articles recently.  In one he noted that the Ukrainian war was a foregone conclusion once the coup had been successfully navigated.  Why?  Because crooks always pay off their benefactors (and keep some for themselves).   In the other Don talks about panic within the ranks of the Democrats over the impending elections.  These two issues are inextricably tied together.

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Nord Stream & Davos

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Hurricane Ian has driven some of the speculation about the Nord Stream Pipelines sabotage off the front pages.  People in this country are more concerned about the day-to-day recovery activities going on in Florida.  Tom Luongo has written an article about the sabotage and the more pressing question of whodunit.

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The FBI Lied?

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The FBI lied?  I know that this does not come as a surprise to anyone who has followed the actions of the FBI since Joe Biden was inaugurated.  The FBI is little more than a secret police who do the bidding of the Big Guy at the top.  This set of lies was directed at attorney Kellye SoRelle and resulted in her arrest for supposed activities on January 6, 2020.

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The Most Divisive President

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During a recent speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Joe Biden angrily called out Republicans and conservatives as extremists that “threaten the very foundations of our republic.”  Recent polls show that the majority of the public sees his speech as one that was designed to incite conflict.

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