Category Archives: Election

Another Small Step

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The list of Americans who are growing tired of this administration’s attempt to transform America into a communist nation has been growing by the day. This past Memorial Day, one United States Army Special Forces veteran is doing something about it.

According to Fox News, Green Beret veteran Jason Bacon launched the Green Beret PAC on Monday, May 30th.

Bacon said his PAC will be aimed at helping other Special Forces and conservative veterans who are currently running for Congress.  According to Bacon: ... 

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One Small Step

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Some small amount of sanity returned to San Francisco on Tuesday.  Chesa Boudin, the former public defender who became district attorney in San Francisco in 2019 has been recalled.  Boudin, who enjoyed huge financial support from Soros’ PAC’s, presided over a massive increase in crimes due to his soft on criminals policies.

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Brandon’s Fraudulent Election Questioned By Brazil

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This is interesting.  The President of Brazil is now questioning the outcome of our 2020 election.  This is the second country to publicly cast doubt on Brandon. The first being Russia. I am sure that if Bolsonaro’s concerns gain any traction in this country the left will be howling about potential interference in our election process.  Of course, the left would have no problem in attempting to interfere in Brazil’s elections.  And that is probably why Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is voicing his concerns.

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Just how much pain are the sanctions inflicting on the Russian people?  We have been told by Big Media that the Russian people will soon rise up against Vladimir Putin because of the difficulties being experienced.

YouTube has a video tour of a grocery outside St Petersburg that shows just how difficult things have become for the Russian people.

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Odds & Ends

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From Las Vegas, KTNV reported, “A video from a recent CCSD board meeting is now going viral on social media and making national headlines.

“Kandra Evans addressed the school board saying her 15-year-old daughter was given a pornographic assignment.

“Evans says her daughter was required to memorize the pornographic content and then recite it in front of her entire class.

“CCSD board members then stopped the public comment over the explicit language.”

A school board member said, “This is a public meeting. I ask for decorum.”

Evans replied, “If you don’t want me to read it to you, what was it like for my 15-year-old daughter to have to memorize pornographic material?”

They cut off her microphone.

So much for public comment on what goes on in the classroom.  Is it time to end the public school system in this country?

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We are hearing from all sides about solutions to the massacre in Uvalde, Texas.  Don Surber has some thoughts:

How about we have Congress do nothing?

How about we have the president do nothing?

How about we have the entire nation just take a chill pill?

Pray for the victims. Pray for the families of the victims. Pray for the town of Uvalde.

But remember, we did not create a federal government to protect us from every imaginable evil and every tragedy in life. We already have paid too much for believing we should have an omnipotent government that protects us 24/7. 

You know who gets 24/7 protection, free health care and free food?


He has a point.

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Trump Is Finished

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Trump held a rally in Wyoming that ostensibly, according to leftist news outlets, was because Cheney voted to impeach Trump.  The news media characterized the rally was a grudge rally against Liz Cheney.  They published stories touting a most empty arena and published pictures to back this story up.  Trump once again is finished.

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Why Are Democrats Facilitating Mass Shootings?

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Whenever a mass shooting takes place, the Left is quick to come out and accuse Republicans of not caring about people’s lives because they refuse to enact “common sense” gun reform legislation.  Of course, such legislation always involves taking guns away from law-abiding citizens.  Democrats will lie and say that background checks would have stopped the current tragedy.  The only problem is always that such background checks already exist.

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Insanity In The US

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The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to strike down the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling which was an egregiously wrong-headed decision.  Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg had indicated such and expected it to be overturned.  If that happens, it will clear the way for the banning or restricting of abortions in 26 states.  While it is not yet official (the ruling is expected within a couple of weeks), a leaked copy of a draft Supreme Court opinion indicated the direction the court is heading.

Canadian director David Cronenburg, who was in Cannes presenting his latest film, called the potential overturn “completely insane.”  Cronenburg noted:

“In Canada … we think everybody in the U.S. is completely insane…We think the U.S. has gone completely bananas and cannot believe that elected officials are saying the things that they’re saying there.”

Cronenburg must be talking about those Canadians who exist within the elite progressive wokeness that he inhabits.  That would include people like Justin “Rainbow Socks” Trudeau who believes that Fidel Castro and Xi Jinping are great leaders.  It certainly does not include most Canadians, a majority of whom believe that bans on abortion at different stages of pregnancy are necessary.

Abortion is the ending of a human life.  Allowing abortion devalues all human life.  Given the genre of films that Cronenburg is known for, it is not surprising that he has become inured to and approves of killing the most defenseless among us.  That is true insanity.

Does insanity exist in America?  Absolutely.  Perhaps there is no more telling example than what happened in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday.  An 18-year-old resident of Uvalde shot his grandmother and then killed 18 2nd through 4th graders and three teachers at a local school.  Does Cronenburg, who believes in killing defenseless unborn children, believe that this is okay?

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