Biden vs 2024 Run

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Just what is going on In Washington?  We are seeing a steady drip of allegations against Biden that are not simply being ignored.  Yes, in some cases, there are attempts by various sectors of Big Media to misdirect our attention to something else.  However, there seems to be a growing groundswell of articles in Big Media that cast Joe Biden in a negative light.  Is this evidence that a decision has been made by the people behind the curtain that Biden has become too big of a liability?

Thomas Lifson over at American Thinker has written an article that suggests just this idea.

More evidence that Biden will not be allowed to run for re-election in 2024

Lifson’s article is focused on the recent allegations by an IRS whistleblower that the Hunter Biden investigations are being mishandled.  mishandled is understating the situation by leaps and bounds.  Now, of course, those who have really followed this story, know that the investigation was going nowhere.  And this is not because there isn’t anything there.

Lifson notes that what is interesting is not that the Wall Street Journal ran an exclusive story on this but that Big Media picked up the story and ran with it.  Follow the link to Lifson’s article above to see some of the Big Media outlets that picked up the story.

Then there is “The Leak.”

The leaked documents take the form of photographs of physical pieces of paper from various American intelligence briefings. This implies that the particular nature of the breach is a leak (personnel with legitimate access to the documents illegally disseminating them to the public) rather than a hack (someone gaining illegitimate access through intrusion of one form or another). Many of the pages are marked for sharing with NATO allies, but some stipulate US eyes only (NOFORN).

An arrest has been made.  I will not speculate whether the individual acted alone or if he was aided by others higher up in the food chain.  What I do note is that the media located the individual before our so-called law enforcement people did.  Was the FBI and the DOJ trying not to find the individual?  If that is the case, why not?

Is there a civil war going on within the administration?  Remember, Biden is not in charge.  Biden is merely the puppet that everyone sees.

Are different factions pulling in different directions?  Are there factions that see the futility of continuing the Ukraine debacle that was engineered by the neocons in the Deep State?  Are other groups trying to sway domestic opinion against a furtherance of this lunacy?  Is someone trying to create an exit strategy for the US from the insanity going on over there?  How many more people will have to die in Ukraine before the ravings of the neocons in our government can be neutered?

There are other indicators that Biden’s time in the Oval Office may be getting short.  Details of the financial dealings of the Biden’s are making the front page of some media outlets.  The paper trail is becoming more definitive and the fact that such news items are circulating may be a hint to Jill Biden that continuing to pursue a second term may not be healthy for the Biden family’s financial futures.

Will the Biden presidency survive to the end of his term?