Category Archives: Election

More To Come

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Last week the story of the year was published by the NY Post.  Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed an unbelievable level of corruption within the Biden family.  A lawyer for Rudy Giuliani, the President’s personal attorney, obtained the hard drive from the Delaware computer repairman who had worked on three laptops that Hunter Biden abandoned.

Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Trump, told The Post about the existence of the hard drive in late September.  Bannon was brought on due to his familiarity with corruption in corporate America, on Wall Street, and within the Chinese Communist Party and America’s political class. Mr. Bannon revealed that he “worked up and executed the roll out plan” of the information contained in the Hunter hard drives.

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Dr. James Dobson On The Election

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Dr. James Dobson shares his final personal thoughts before our national election, urging voters to become fully informed about the stark differences between our two candidates for President of the United States. Be sure to vote your values on November 3rd!

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Shoot The Messenger!

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There is little the main stream media can do to “fact check” the stunning, bombshell story that the NY Post broke this week.  They do not have the hard drive that Hunter Biden abandoned in a Delaware computer repair shop.  There is no way to refute in advance the allegations that will be forthcoming in the future since they have no idea just what those might be.  And the Ukraine story appears to be just an opening teaser for even worse criminality to be exposed in the future.

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The following is an open letter from Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) about the unprecedented censorship of the news by entities like Facebook and Twitter.  If these entities are true platforms as they allege, they have no right to censor the news that shows up.

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Did The Democrats Cheat Again?

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It is well known that Democrats cheated during the 2016 presidential debate as veteran Democratic-operative-turned-CNN-commentator Donna Brazille admitted leaking questions to Hillary Clinton. With the media’s clear hatred of Trump and their pro-Democrat slant, a fair question to ask is did this happen again?

It certainly appears that the VP debate may have been the source of Democratic cheating this time around.  There has been little coverage of Harris’ slip-up during the debate.  And, as we have seen with the Hunter Biden scandal, the media will try to cover it up if it ever gets any traction.

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The Biden Family Business

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The fact that Hunter Biden was benefitting from his father’s position as Vice President of the United States has been obvious to everyone on either side of the aisle for a long time.  Washington pols did not care much so long as they could wet their beaks as well.  Burisma, the Ukrainian energy firm, did not put Hunter on its board of directors because he had a pretty face.  They did not do this because he had expertise in the energy business.  They did it to gain leverage with Joe Biden who was the point man for the Obama administration on Ukraine.

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Kamala’s Plan For Trump Supporters

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Shocking words were heard at a Democrat fundraiser for criminal justice reform on April 18th from presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris. While giving a speech on the effectiveness of zero punishment prosecutions, she veered off script to talk about impeaching our president and describe in detail one “crime” she would not hesitate to punish, to the absolute delight of the woke progressive crowd.

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