Category Archives: Election

Cold Anger

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Bill Whittle summarizes the corruption of the Obama administration and what followed. He lays it out item by item.  Bill Whittle doesn’t say “Cold Anger” but what he expresses, the anger, the frustration and the resolve, is exactly that.

This has not been just an attempted coup to bring down PDJT.  The coup attempt is trying to hide the corruption of many elite pols.  PDJT was and is a threat to them and their cash cows!

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Thursday was an interesting day.  Over in Italy it is reported that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conté has requested the resignations of six top Italian intelligence officials. The resignation requests are being interpreted as a reaction to the possible exposing of collusion with U.S. intelligence officials during the 2016 U.S. election in the operation now known as “Spygate.”

Keep in mind that Conté is the head of a new government, one that was not in place in 2016.  Also keep in mind that Joseph Mifsud, who had largely disappeared from public view, had been found in Rome.  Mifsud is closely linked to George Papadopoulos and the “Spygate” schemes that were hatched overseas.

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FBI Fantasies

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Eric Felten over at Real Clear Investigations has written a piece that provides a clear insight into the mindsets and attitudes of those who were running theFBI and DOJ departments during the Obama administration.

AG Barr has started to investigate spying.  However, as Felten points out, spying is just one of possible multiple violations of investigative rules and ethics committed by agents, lawyers, managers, and officials at the FBI and the DOJ.

For three years (2016-2018), Bill Priestap was assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, which meant he oversaw the FBI’s global counterintelligence efforts.

Felten takes a deep dive into the testimony that Priestap provided to Congress in a closed-door interview in the summer of 2018.  Priestap’s testimony provides a “rare insight into the attitudes and thoughts of officials who launched the Russia probe and the probe of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.”

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Spying On A President Is Normal

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Are the Democrats trying to convince the public that spying on a presidential campaign is routine?  Are they doing this because they know that damning information is going to be released in the near future about the spying that the Obama administration did on opposition candidates?  That such spying may go all the way back to 2012?

Are the Democrats so deranged that they are trying to make it seem like it is normal to do this, that it is no big deal?  And that the public should just go about their business because there is nothing to be seen here?

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Enough Is Enough

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Two years of innuendo, leaks, “bombshell” announcements, etc.  The Deep State led by Democratic operatives has tried to make it clear that they are in charge in this country.  They have tried to send a message that anyone who stands in their way is a target. They will smear them, bankrupt them, run them out of restaurants, shoot them on a ball field, etc.

During the Mueller investigation PDJT gave the investigation unprecedented access to White House advisers and staff.  Transparency was the norm not an exception.  This was a far cry from the Obama administration that blocked investigations at every turn.

In the end the Special Counsel (SC) declined to pursue charges against any American for conspiring to interfere with the 2016 election.  However, he failed in his duty to decide on the question of “obstruction.”  Although the investigation was not impeded in any way, although no criminal conduct was uncovered, Mueller could not make the binary decision of “Yes PDJT obstructed” or “No PDJT Did Not.”  (See Emmett Flood letter).  The report is legally defective.  So the AG and Deputy AG Rosenstein reviewed the SC info and made that determination.  No obstruction.

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

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In America a person is presumed innocent until the prosecution can convince a judge or jury that that person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecutors do not “prove people innocent.”  They do not exonerate them.  Prosecutors either present evidence to a grand jury for indictments or they decline to do so.  They either charge a person or they don’t.  It is a binary decision that they must make.  If they decline to charge, the individual is innocent as a matter of law.

SC Mueller did not make the binary decision he was charged with making. He did not do what the SC regulations required him to do.

Emmett Flood, White House Counsel, has taken the time to point out the defects in the Special Counsel’s Report in a letter to the DOJ.

Flood stated,

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Obstruction of Justice

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Are the Democrats guilty of obstruction of justice?  It is clear now that the administrative state needs to remove AG Bill Barr from his office quickly.  Failing in this will result in serious legal exposure for many top intelligence officials from the Obama administration.  Are the Democrats, who are allies of these officials, obstructing the investigation by trying to oust AG Barr?  By trying to smear AG Barr?  By trying to get AG Barr to violate the law by releasing a public copy of the unredacted Mueller Report?

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Barr In The Crosshairs

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The Democratic meltdown continues.  The basic problem that the Democrats have is this.  Obama administration officials used the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, and other national security organs to spy on a rival campaign and then undermine an elected president.  Interviews are being done around the country to try to obfuscate this fact.

On Saturday former FBI Director James Comey went on radio in LA and tried to make the case once again that the Russians won the election for Trump.  If there were an annual award for the most fake news items in one interview, Comey would be in the running.

But the president of the United States refuses to acknowledge that the Russians attacked us.

No President in recent memory has imposed more sanctions on Russia than PDJT.

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Democratic Meltdown

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The Democratic Party is in full-blown meltdown mode.  During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, Senator Maxie Hirono (D-HI) went off the rails and accused AG Barr of lying on more than one occasion to Congress.  A case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) as bad as this has never been seen in public before.

During the committee hearing, Sen. Hirono called on Attorney General William Barr to resign, saying he is no different from others in the Trump administration who have sacrificed “their once decent reputations for the grifter and liar who sits in the Oval Office.”  Kamala Harris of California trying to revive her failing campaign for the Democratic nomination joined in the demand for Barr to resign.   Although Sen. Hirono asked several questions of Barr, she never gave him a chance to answer.

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