Category Archives: Freedom of Religion

Winners and Losers

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The media likes to list winners and losers from every confrontation between the two main-stream political parties.  The media’s views of these events often lean towards their own particular political ideologies.

Without a doubt the Republicans were the winners and the Democrats were the losers from the Mueller hearings on Wednesday.  Even far left media outlets like CNN agreed.  Chris Cillizza at CNN noted,

If Democrats hoped that Mueller would easily bat away Republican attacks — on him and on his report — they were sorely disappointed in the opening moments of his testimony. Mueller seemingly contradicted himself (and the report) when he told Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, the ranking Republican member on the committee, that collusion and conspiracy were not the same thing.

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Christianity Under Siege

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The Democrats’ anti-Christian bias was on display again.

Without a doubt Christianity is the most persecuted religion worldwide including in this country.  Christians expressing their beliefs are attacked in this country as being “bitter clingers,” racists, homophobes and worse simply for expressing their beliefs.

On Sunday a series of horrific attacks killed almost 300 people in Sri Lanka and injured hundreds more.  It was the biggest mass terrorist attack in a long time.  A radical Islamic religious group has been identified as perpetrating the coordinated attacks.  The vast majority of the victims were Christians attending church services on Easter Sunday morning.  They were targeted because they are Christians.

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Power of God

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This is a must watch and is well worth three minutes of your time.  A presentation by PDJT about the power of God and his blessings on our country.  Click on the sound icon in the lower right part of the screen to hear the speech.

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