Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

The Big Lie

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Anytime one hears about the Democrats complaining about someone spreading lies, one can be sure the real problem is the truth is becoming exposed for all the public to see.  It is difficult to determine what lies were the biggest but certainly the idea that 81 million people actually voted for the evil old man occupying the White House on occasion is close to the top if not at the top of the list.

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Neil Oliver on Rationing

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As we recently saw last week, the UK is rationing tomatoes among other fresh vegetables.  Perishables like tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, peppers and broccoli have been restricted to just two or three per customer in many stores.

In his weekly monologue Neil Oliver takes this issue and overlays the surplus of lies that has created it.  Neil Oliver generally has exceptional insight and points out what should be obvious.

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In just one day, massive fires broke out at three different facilities, two in Mexico and one in the United States that are controlled by the state-owned Mexican oil company, Pemex.

The fires broke out at the Pemex crude oil storage facility in Veracruz, Mexico, in Maya unit (285,000-barrel-a-day) Minatitlan refinery in Veracruz, and in Deer Creek, Texas.

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Exfiltration of Wealth

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Understanding the core, the central element of globalism, is the key to understanding the process going on where governments and corporations have merged to end capitalism as it has always been defined.  This is where the phrase “trillions at stake” takes on an understanding and context that clarifies just what the elites have been doing to the common folk for a long time.

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Interesting Times

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We live in interesting times.  The pushback from Kevin McCarthy to a reporter’s question demonstrates a beginning willingness to step away from politics as usual in Washington.  Perhaps we will owe a bigger debt of gratitude to the 20 rebels who held up his getting the speakership.

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Last year, experts in multiple related agricultural fields had openly started to discuss and predict a looming crisis in the global food supply since the majority of food is contingent on only one or two growing cycles per year for harvest.  Such harvests have now been diminished by the various actions of governments who are more interested in the Green New Deal than they are in feeding their citizens.  Big Media is now admitting that a serious food crisis may be upon us.

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General Flynn Speaks

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General Mike Flynn has resurfaced in the public eye.  Now that one can express one’s self freely on Twitter, we are seeing more and more patriotic Americans venturing there.  On Monday, Gen. Flynn fired off a five-tweet barrage attacking the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court system (FISC).

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Odds & Ends

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Russian President Vladimir Putin declared Tuesday that his nation will ban crude oil and petroleum product exports to countries that impose a price cap on Russian crude.

So, let me get this straight.  Russia is the capitalist country in calling for the market to set the price.  And the US and Europe are imposing communist restrictions on the oil market.

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