Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Mar-a-Lago Background, Epilogue

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Thinking outside the box.  Good problem solvers often can think well outside the norms.  In the case of the Mar-a-Lago raid there appears to be a larger story going on.  One has to look at the whole gamut of what is going on to fully appreciate that.  What might seem to be one thing on the surface can turn out to be something else entirely.

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Odds & Ends

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Justin Bieber continues to suffer health setbacks from his vaccinations.  Justin Bieber has been forced to suspend the rest of his world tour.  The 28-year-old pop star announced in a Tuesday post on his Instagram story that he has dealt with exhaustion while trying to get back on tour, and that the effort “took a real toll on me.”

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Mar-a-Lago Background, Part 6

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Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 and Part 5 of this series have highlighted how specific activities have dissolved the rule of law and shown the corrupt nature of secret courts and ubiquitous surveillance.

PDJT was elected in 2016 at least in part because he called out the corruption that many people were beginning to discern.  PDJT not only called out the corruption, he stood tall against it.  PDJT did not cave into the enormous pressure exerted to diminish him and anyone who supported him.

Our journey through history has brought us to the battle over the evidence of that corruption.

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President Reagan Speaks

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In these tumultuous times that we find ourselves, it is sometimes refreshing to look back at Presidents who had some real idea about what America is.  President Reagan’s speech from almost 40 years ago is apropos for our current situation.

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Is It Over?

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While the bobbleheads will undoubtedly try to smear the judge, US District Judge Aileen Cannon on Saturday announced the “preliminary intent to appoint a special master” to review all of the records seized by the FBI during its unprecedented and likely illegal raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago.

Judge Cannon said the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago “involved political calculations” to diminish the leading voice of the Republican Party just months before the midterm election.  In other words that are less polite, the FBI was trying to throw the election to the Democrats.

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A Government of Liars, Thieves and Lawbreakers

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“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”

– H. L. Mencken

This quote by Mencken posted to any of the top social media sites will likely be cross posted by the site (think Facebook, Twitter, et al) to a database where our federal law enforcement criminals can see it.  This will undoubtedly lead to surveillance via the omnipresent NSA database currently located in Utah.  The person who originally posted it will be added to a huge and growing list of “domestic extremists.”

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A Hostile Takeover

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For voters with eyes wide open, voting has become a crap shoot.  It appears that all Democrats have converted to taking care of themselves without any regard for the public.  Voting for one puts the entire country at risk.  Voting for someone on the other side of the aisle, in other words a Republican, has its own risks.  Too many in Washington have become UniParty loyalists.  And that is also problematic.  Then there are the social consequences of being identified as a MAGA Republican voter.

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