Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Here & There

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Democrats continue to try to sexualize all of our kids regardless of age.  Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said that “drag queens make everything better” and that there should be “a drag queen for every school.”

This woman is promoting the grooming of kids for sexual predators and abusers.  When I first heard about this, I assumed it had to be a piece from Babylon Bee.  It isn’t.  It is factual news.

Nothing makes Satan more satisfied than the destruction of the innocent.  This just what this woman is attempting to do.  There is little difference between her actions here and Ghislaine Maxwell’s actions in snaring underage children for Jeffrey Epstein’s escapades. ... 

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Trump Is Finished

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Trump held a rally in Wyoming that ostensibly, according to leftist news outlets, was because Cheney voted to impeach Trump.  The news media characterized the rally was a grudge rally against Liz Cheney.  They published stories touting a most empty arena and published pictures to back this story up.  Trump once again is finished.

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Are The Democrats Revealing Their Strategy For The Mid-terms?

The Democrats surely believed that they would be rid of PDJT by now.  They stole the election, labeled it a lie to say so and thought that the public would buy their crap.  As it turns out, PDJT is still one of the most popular political figures in the country.  Arguably he is more popular now than in 2020.  What didn’t destroy him has made him stronger.

Trump has been joined by others who are standing up for values that the Democrats despise.  Among them is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who has demonstrated conclusively that elections have consequences.  Just ask the Disney Corporation about that.  DeSantis has also demonstrated that standing up for the common people all the time is a winning strategy.

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Odds & Ends

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House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer complains that Americans are attacking Joe Biden during wartime:

“It is unfortunate that in a time of war, we spend all the time blaming our own president.”

If the shoe fits, wear it.

And, BTW, when did Congress declare war? ... 

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Bits & Pieces

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) endorsed criminal conduct when he encouraged pro-abortion activists to protest outside of the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices.

Protesters are trying to intimidate conservative justices in an effort to change the draft opinion on Roe v Wade.

Former AG Bill Barr Monday night told Fox News host Jesse Watters that it is a crime to go to a judge’s residence to influence decisions.

“[It’s] not a valid form of protest because it’s a violation of the law. There is time and place for protests, and the federal statute makes it clear if you go to the house of a judge, the residence of a judge to influence the judge in his decisions and demonstrate that that’s a federal crime.”

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What Hath Elon Musk Wrought?  Part 4

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Sundance over at CTH often talks about the marionette strings. Sundance notes that once you see them, you cannot unsee them.  Elon Musk has seriously rattled the cages of those who would enslave the country and the world to achieve the Great Reset.  Musk has made the marionette strings that much more visible.

Musk has called freedom of speech the foundation of democracy.  To counter Elon Musk’s attempted takeover of Twitter and to bring free speech to Twitter, the heavy hitters of the Democratic Party have been brought out.  Former President Barack Obama and twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have been given a script that calls for more censorship of social media.  They rushed to the podium “to save democracy.”

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What Hath Elon Musk Wrought, Part 3

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Exposing a coup.

The Elon Musk/Twitter saga has been most interesting to watch.  After purchasing a 9.2% share of Twitter, he then proposed buying the company outright.

Twitter acted to prevent the takeover by using a poison pill approach.  This would involve issuing shares at half price if any investor would gain ownership of more than 15% of the outstanding shares.

Twitter’s actions (poison pill offer) publicized Twitter’s desire to censor free speech.

What is this the sole purpose of all of Elon Musk’s actions?

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