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Massive crowds continue to show up and support PDJT wherever he goes.  The kinds of crowds that PDJT draws have no corollary in American politics.  People have short memories but when has any candidate drawn crowds like PDJT draws?

Recently PDJT held a rally in Durham, NH.  People showed up many hours ahead of time just to be part of the rally.  The political elite call us “deplorables,” “fascists,” “Nazis” but it does not matter.  If anything PDJT’s support just grows stronger with every brickbat that they throw at him.  Soon half the country will be a “terror” watchlist because we support PDJT.

President Trump arrives at a campaign rally in Mesa, Ariz., Friday. He has been holding events around the nation in the final weeks of the midterm campaign, but most of his stops are in states that he won in 2016

Fox News polling is generally skewed to favor Murdoch’s traditional candidates.

However, that said, the latest polling from Daron Shaw [Direct Data Here] shows President Trump widening his lead as more Republican primary voters begin to tune in.  Conversely, Ron DeSantis is shedding voters to Nikki Haley, albeit in not significant enough measures to make a statistical impact.

There is a lot to unpack here.  First, and the most obvious to me, is that the nearly $300 million spent by the DeSantis campaign has been a largely wasted effort.  His support continues to dwindle.  DeSantis was a good governor whose image has largely been tarnished by his foray into national politics.  Just who has been running this disaster of a campaign?

Next, the nature of the collapse in support for the “club” politicians shows the base voter of the Republican Party is very awake.  Please note the very low percentage of undecideds.  That is a remarkable number with the initial primary votes still more than a month away.

Ten years ago, the Middle-America voter was not as keenly aware of the Republican Club manipulation as they are today.  This modern shift and greater awakening is a very good sign of health for our nation overall.  I believe we will ultimately prevail and work through a painful process of restoration.

The fight will be ugly, messy and likely uncomfortable.  But it will be worth the effort.

Restoration of the Republic falls to us, and we will not succumb to fear nor apathy.  We are the ones generations to come are counting on.