Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Blood On His Hands

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Does Dr. Fauci have blood on his hands?  Yesterday I talked about the infiltration of our government by people who have only one thing in mind and that is self-enrichment through overseeing policy, manipulating such policy and trading on the knowledge gained therein.

Today, I will take a closer look at the absolutely corrupt actions that led to the deaths of thousands of people.  And sadly, that scrutiny starts with Dr. Fauci.  I say sadly because Dr. Fauci’s high school education was at one of the best private high schools in the country.  The school’s mission is encapsulated in the motto “Men for Others.”  It is about transforming Catholic young men into generous leaders with a passion for service.  Dr. Fauci appears to have forgotten all of the lessons imparted during his time there.

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Why do the Chinese have a copy of Hunter Biden’s hard drive from his laptop?  According to Red State, the high-level Chinese defector, who has been in the hands of the DIA for several months, brought with him a copy of the hard drive.  Just how compromised is Joe Biden?

Who thought it was a good idea for the Avatar in the White House to hold a summit with Putin?  They should be looking for a new job.  Biden snapped at reporters who asked softball questions while Putin handled the US press like a seasoned politico.  The contrast was dramatic.  Is Biden on the way out?

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Fulton County, Georgia

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On Monday, a Fulton County election official admitted that “a few forms were missing” and that “some procedural paperwork may have been misplaced.”  This was in reference to “chain of custody” documents in connection with absentee ballots that were placed in “drop boxes.”  As it turns out according to a Georgia Star News report, 385 transfer forms out of approximately 1585 forms are missing.  This seems to be more than a few.

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Ballots Missing

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The election audit in Arizona is getting more and more interesting.  Reports coming out of the Maricopa County audit indicate that several hundred thousand ballots are missing.  This is an explosive issue.  One can expect county election officials to claim that “chain-of-custody” was broken.

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Election Audit Update

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In Maricopa County, Arizona, the physical ballot counting is almost complete.  In the meantime, delegations from Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Alaska, Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma, Washington State and Michigan have all attended and reviewed the operation.  They have been uniformly impressed with the security and transparency of the process.  It is being called the “gold standard” of audits.  Kelli Ward reports.

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More Evidence of Election Fraud

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Matt DePerno goes on Steve Bannon’s War Room to detail more evidence of election fraud that has been uncovered in Antrim County in Michigan.  The questions that DePerno raises here are significant and yet the Michigan legislature appears to have a buried-head-in-the- sand position.  And many of us know why.

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Moonbats is the only word that can come close to describing the following narrative.  The unfortunate part of this story is that it is true.  This is not something out of a dystopian novel.

While it is never wise to diagnose mental illness from afar, clearly there are mental issues at play here.  Woke supremacists are unable to see anything other then their own vision of the world.  This is particularly problematic in someone who also appears to be suffering from TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Perhaps spending months locked down has exacerbated the difficulties that such people face.

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Fauci As A Smokescreen?

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By now most of the country knows that Dr. Fauci was misleading the public.  Most of us realize that Fauci had a role to play and did so.  The question today is just what is that role now?

Last year, Fauci was doing whatever was needed to expand panic and confuse the public over the COVID “pandemic.”  I put pandemic in quotes because it is not clear that we would ever have reached the pandemic stage without a PCR factor of 40.  Many scientists have joined in the chorus that proclaim that positive results from a multiplication factor of 40 are meaningless.  Even the left wing media giant, the NYTimes, opined as such.

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The People’s President

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The people’s President, Donald J Trump, delivered a message to the people on Memorial Day.

On this Memorial Day, we remember the fallen heroes who took their last breaths in defense of our Nation, our families, our citizens, and our sacred freedoms. The depth of their devotion, the steel of the Continue reading...