Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Comrades Biden & Harris At Work

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The newly-minted pair heading up the Democratic Party ticket have gone into full communist mode.  On Thursday they made a joint appearance calling for a nationwide mask mandate.

According to Biden,

“Every single American should be wearing a mask when they’re outside for the next three months at a minimum. Every governor should mandate mandatory mask-wearing.”

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COVID-19 Madness    

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The Democrats with the help of their media allies have been successful in perpetrating a hysteria about COVID-19.  Most recently this has resulted in the announcement by the PAC-12 that they are cancelling their conference’s college football season.  Of course, all but two of the schools in the conference are in states ruled by Democratic dictators like California’s Gavin Newsome.  Newsome has gone so far as to say that there will be no return to normal until a vaccine is developed to eradicate the illness.  Apparently his intent is to inflict as much misery on their residents as possible in hopes of defeating PDJT in November.

There will be never be a vaccine that meets Newsome’s requirements so I guess California colleges can forget about ever again having sports.  Right now multiple studies have indicated that as many as 11 strains of the illness are floating around the world.  Mutation of the virus is a given and will continue.  The most one can expect is something like the flu shot that may or may not protect you from the strain that happens to get going in your area.

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Let’s Roll!

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PDJT held a press conference at the White House on Monday.  The final question came from Chanel Rion, a female reporter from OAN, who asked about Susan Rice’s role in the cover-up of Obamagate.

Watch the reaction of the photographer with the giant lens in front of Rion when she says Obamagate.  To say he appears to be shocked that such a question was asked is an understatement.  I imagine that this question was on the list of questions that no MSM reporter who wanted to stay employed would ever ask.

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Epic Fails…And A Little Humor

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PDJT held a press conference in Bedminster, NJ with some members of the public present.  Near the end of the briefing, a member of the press pool decides to try to embarrass the President.  The clear intent, as some comments have indicated, was to make it seem like the President does not care about the public.  The reporter complains that the room is not following NJ rules on social distancing.  For those of you who have not seen this yet, enjoy!

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One Man’s Opinion

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The following is from an acquaintance whom I will call Frank.

Let’s look at this man for a moment. He is a 74 year old man working for you and me.  That amazing man is the age of many people’s fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers.

President Trump left his massive gold covered mansion where he could have retired happily and play golf all day long. Yet this man put his wealth aside and went to work for free, for $1 a year, for you, for me, for us, and for the United States of America.  While other presidents became rich during and after their presidency, this man lost over 2 Billion dollars of his wealth during these short 4 years of his life. ... 

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Cognitive Testing

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One of the issues that has surfaced during the presidential campaign is the cognitive ability of the main stream candidates.  Does America need a President who is sharp cognitively?  I think it goes without saying that should be a given.  As PDJT has said,

”Because I can tell you President Xi [Jinping of China] is sharp, [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin is sharp, [Turkish President Recep] Erdogan is sharp. You don’t have any non-sharp people that you’re dealing with.”

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Lifelong Dem To Vote For PDJT

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Longtime civil rights attorney and talk radio host Leo Terrell told President Donald Trump that he will vote for his re-election, marking the first Republican presidential candidate he has ever voted for.

Terrell is clearly part of the #WalkAway movement, announcing that “the Democratic Party left me.”

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Herman Cain

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Herman Cain died recently from complications from a coronavirus infection.  Many Americans do not know just how great a person Herman was.  And most will never know since the MSM cannot broadcast his many feats without undermining their narrative that black Americans need help to prosper in this country.  The left, in particular, will vilify his memory precisely because he saw through their “progressive” ideology.

Herman Cain was a highly successful businessman who approached everything he did with enthusiasm.  In 1977, he joined the Pillsbury Company where he later became vice president. During the 1980s, Cain’s success as a business executive at Burger King prompted Pillsbury to appoint him as chairman and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza.  Cain served in that capacity from 1986 to 1996.

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