Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

The Next Impeachment

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With potential indictments against high-ranking members of the Obama administration looming, the Democrats appear to be desperate to launch their next impeachment foray.  Just as they did with the killing of unborn children, the Democrats appear to be trying to transform impeachment from rare occurrence to one that is commonplace.

The Democrats cannot have John Durham’s absolutely devastating indictments arrive without having some kind of smokescreen to divert the public’s attention.  It appears that they are laying the groundwork for an impeachment of AG Bill Barr.

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Trade Is Back In The News

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U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer testified before the House Ways and Means committee and before the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday.  USTR Lighthizer outlined that the administration plans to continue to demand trade reciprocity.  This is in keeping with PDJT’s long stated policy of equality in trade relations.  Some have characterized this as a zero-zero-zero goal.  That is, PDJT believes there should be zero tariffs, zero barriers and zero subsidies.

PDJT believes in the American worker.  PDJT believes that American workers can compete with workers anywhere in the world if the playing field is level.  To level the playing field has been the goal of his administration since day one

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The Nazi Party Of America

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Dennis Prager has written an article over at with the title, The Four Horsemen of America’s Apocalypse.  In it Prager reviews how the Nazi Party (National Socialists) came into power.  Prager also goes over how other totalitarian movements succeeded in gaining power.  Prager highlights the four elements needed to destroy a civilization.  He then compares that to what the Democrats and their allies in the media are doing today.

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Retail Sales Jump

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Arched eyebrows are becoming a regular thing among economic experts who forecast the future of the economy.  At least this time they got the sign right.  Experts were predicting an 8% rise in May.  It turns out that retail sales jumped 17.7%, more than double the experts’ estimates.  This is the largest one-month increase in the history of the country.

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Manufacturing Index Surges 

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Once again the experts found themselves out of the ballpark when it came to predicting the state of manufacturing in America.  Arched eyebrows are becoming “the thing” among economic experts. These numbers will give Nobel laureate Paul Krugman another opportunity to suggest that the numbers are fake.

After three months of broad weakness brought on by COVID-19 business shutdowns/slowdowns, the Manufacturing Index surged 48 points to a reading of negative 0.2 up from negative 48.5 in May.

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“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten. every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute”—George Orwell 1984

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A Huge Bounce!

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The May jobs report was expected to show job losses of 7 to 8 million.  This was the analysis of the financial experts and Nobel laureate economists.  Imagine their surprise when the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) announced that 2.5 million jobs have been ADDED to the economy.  Never in the history of the country have we seen a turnaround like this from one month to the next.

In effect, there are 10 million more jobs at the end of May than the experts predicted.  Never have the experts been off by anywhere near this much.  Not only were they not in the same ballpark, they weren’t even on the same planet.  Perhaps these experts were meth experts not math experts.

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