Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Coronavirus Hoaxes

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As anyone who has followed the Trump presidency knows, the Democrats and their media allies will create a hoax out of nothing.  They will sell it to the American public as the latest example of incompetence, of racism, of ignorance, etc.  They create these works of fiction to foster hysteria, a sense of outrage and a panic that the world as we know it is ending.  Their ultimate goal is the removal of PDJT from office.

So, it is not surprising to see the Democrats and their joined-at-the-hip allies in the media attacking PDJT with more lies in the middle of a global pandemic.  While the President is asking all to come together as a country to overcome the challenges that the Wuhan virus is creating, the Democrats just see the pandemic as another opportunity to oust our duly elected President from office.  This is the mantra of the power-mad, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

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Iran Admits Crisis

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Events continue to move rapidly in connection with the current pandemic.  After Iran’s leaders denied over and over that any kind of a problem existed with the Wuhan virus in their country, on Tuesday Iranian state TV journalist, Dr. Afruz Eslami, offered three scenarios going forward.  Iran has now dramatically reversed course and is admitting a crisis of monumental proportions.

First, based on a study by Sharif University of Technology (Tehran), Eslami said that if people fully cooperate with the Ministry of Health’s protocols, Iran may be able to limit the number of infections to 120,000 with 12,000 deaths before the outbreak ends.  Elsami is depicting this as the BEST CASE SCENARIO for Iran.  Of course, she is saying this after angry crowds stormed into the courtyards of Mashhad’s Imam Reza shrine and Qom’s Fatima Masumeh shrine. Crowds typically pray there 24 hours a day, seven days a week, touching and kissing the shrine.  Roughly 90% of all cases in the Middle East are centered in Iran.

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Media Bias Reaches New Low

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While I have talked numerous times here about media bias, I am still astounded occasionally by the new lows that so called “unbiased” media personalities will stoop to in order to disparage PDJT.  Last week after the President’s address to the country, Lawrence O’Donnell of the flailing MSNBC network (how many viewers have they lost in the last three years?) reached a new low water mark.

This says a lot considering that once again PDJT was called a racist and a xenophobe by many media types over on the far left for calling the Wuhan virus a foreign virus.  This ignores the fact that it is common practice to associate new diseases with the site of its first major outbreak.  Examples include the West Nile Virus, Guinea Worm, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease, Ross River Fever, Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Valley Fever, German Measles and Spanish Flu.

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CNN Proves Their Idiocy Again

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CNN has proven again and again just how much they hate PDJT and the Republicans.  CNN hyped the Russian Collusion narrative for more than two years only to have it blow up in their face.  Their efforts during the impeachment scam the Democrats tried were directed not at uncovering the truth but simply to get PDJT out of office by any means necessary.

CNN is now on to their next attempt to paint PDJT and the Republicans as evil people.  The latest attempt is to try to frame the use of the term “Wuhan virus” or “foreign virus” or “Chinese corona virus” as being racist or xenophobic.  Chris Cuomo led the attack.

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The anti-religious nature of the left was exposed by then Senator Obama during his 2008 campaign when he referred to many in middle America as “bitter clingers.”  In those days it was directed at people who were Christian, who believed in Jesus Christ and the Bible.  During his Presidency President Obama occasionally spoke of “the right to worship” but consistently moved against the free exercise of religion by Christians as defined in our Bill of Rights.

Perhaps the most glaring examples of this were the efforts by the Obama administration to force medical personnel to participate in the murdering of unborn children against their conscience.  After the passage of Obamacare the Obama DOJ took several organizations to court to force them to fund coverage for such atrocities.

Once again, the bigotry of the Democrats towards people who believe in Jesus Christ raised its ugly head last week.  PDJT has tasked VP Mike Pence to lead a task force on combatting the coronavirus (COVID-19) in this country.  Pence held a meeting in the situation room at the White House that was reported to be quite productive.  A picture emerged from the meeting showing the members of the task force with their heads bowed in prayer asking for God’s help at the start of the meeting.

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A Class Act

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PDJT held a rally in Arizona this week.  Now one could talk about the massive crowds that showed up once again. And there is tons of video showing this.  However, this piece is about another uplifting moment that Trump rallies have become famous for.  This piece is about the kind of people who attend Trump rallies.

Before the rally began, several people carried a disabled World War II veteran to his seat in the arena.  Literally millions of people saw this.  It was even carried on CNN.

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Obama Created Trump Economy, Part 1

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On President’s Day former President Obama decided to make the ridiculous claim that he is responsible for the Trump economy.  Of course, this is just an obvious attempt to distract people from the success that PDJT has brought to the American economy.  The Democrats need to have this lie accepted by Americans if they hope to regain the White House in November.

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An Awakening

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere, the concept of “woke” is not a particularly new thing for you.  Initially it came into somewhat common use as a term that described someone who was aware of what was going on in his/her community.

Of course, the dictionary describes woke as the past tense of wake.  That is, being past the point of waking up.  Today its common use is to refer to someone who sees the ‘infinite” ways in which racism, sexism and classism affect how we live our lives on a daily basis.  And therein lies a problem.

Hard core leftists often use it as a pejorative, as in “not woke,” to smear people who do not agree with every progressive ideology put forth by the Democratic Party.  It is also used in a knee jerk reaction against those who fail to keep up with and conform to Democratic talking points.

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Media Inspired Violence

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There have been numerous posts here and elsewhere about the incredible media bias when it comes to reporting about PDJT, conservatives and Trump supporters.  The MSM, by and large, has become a propaganda arm for the Democratic Party.  Without the MSM the Democratic Party would cease to exist.  It is only the constant false narratives of the media that keeps the Democratic Party in existence.  When one story is shown to be false, they move on to another.

Memories are short; the Left knows this. This helps to embolden the Left to continue to grow more and more obvious, believing – probably not incorrectly — that they can pretty much foster any scam without repercussions.  It has gotten so that today they believe they can do this without having to be subtle about it.

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