Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

PDJT In Orlando

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With what is probably the largest crowd in history on hand at any Presidential campaign stop ever, President Trump kicked off his re-election campaign in Orlando on Tuesday.  More than 100,000 people showed up.  Most of them knew they would not be able to get into the Amway Center.  They showed up anyway.  Why?  Because PDJT shows up for us and doesn’t back down.

The common people of this country have awakened to the absolute corruption that infests Washington.  They are saying that enough is enough.

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Xi Jinping To Visit North Korea

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As noted yesterday, Asia, specifically China, is providing some interesting bits of news this week.  On Sunday some 2 million Hong Kongers protested in the streets over China’s attempt to subvert their rights within their legal justice system.  Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive officer, may have been the target of their immediate anger.  However, clearly China is their concern.

The heavy-handed response by Lam, rubber bullets and tear gas, against protesters who were peaceful has brought at least silent condemnation from most of the civilized world.  This was no UC-Berkley protest.  There were no fires in the streets.  There were no broken windows.  There was no looting.  Emergency vehicles that needed to get through were allowed to pass.  There were more than 70 injuries from the police response.

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Hong Kong On Fire

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An interesting dynamic is playing out in Hong Kong.  Protests broke out a week ago over a proposed law that Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s first female chief executive,  supports.  The law would allow extradition of Hong Kongers to mainland China.

Please note the use of the term Hong Kongers.  Although mostly descended from ethnic Chinese, the vast majority of the residents of Hong Kong do not consider themselves to be Chinese.  Hong Kong has had long experience (150 years) with Western rule-of-law concepts.  Additionally over 3 million people fled communist China in 1949 to the safety and freedom of Hong Kong.  Hong Kongers are not conditioned culturally, as many of those on the mainland are, to the acceptance of totalitarian forms of governance.

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The Ghost Of Watergate

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This week Chairman Nadler of the House Judiciary Committee opened impeachment hearings into PDJT’s conduct as President.  The fact that the entire Russia conspiracy investigation was without predication does not seem to bother the Chairman.  In order to “educate” the public and to cover up the malfeasance of the Obama administration, Nadler brought in convicted felon John Dean to give the public some historical context from the Watergate years.

The outcome of the Mueller investigation was that PDJT and his campaign were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing.  This covered the campaign and PDJT’s subsequent actions as President.  Of course, this infuriated the Democrats who will stoop to anything to oust Trump from the Presidency.

The Democrats have been trying to re-litigate the whole investigation. In order to smear the President, they called in John Dean as the ghost of Watergate past to cast aspirations on PDJT. Dean, who was White House counsel for President Nixon during the Watergate era, drew “parallels” between the scandal that led to President Nixon’s resignation and special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of the hoax that was the Russian government ties to the campaign of President Donald Trump.

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Above The Law

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Former Secretary of State and twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton acted in support of the Democratic playbook on impeachment Monday.  HRC posted on Twitter that the President is not above the law.  The current Democratic strategy is to advance the storyline that PDJT acts as if he is above the law.  This is supposed to plant in the public’s mind the false narrative that PDJT is routinely violating the law.  No facts are ever given to support this fantasy.

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Pelosi Cracks The Whip

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During the mid-term election campaigns last year, Pelosi had given strict instructions to those who were running for office not to speak the “I” word, that is, impeachment.  If the question came up, the candidates were to deflect, dissemble and otherwise avoid answering the question.

“This election cannot be about impeachment. I don’t think it’s in the interest of America’s working families to focus on that, unless we have more to go on, which we don’t at this time.  I think it’s not unifying for the country.”

Pelosi wasn’t worried about the country.  She knew that it would hurt the chances of Democratic candidates if they showed support for the idea of impeachment.  That would hurt her chances of becoming Speaker of the House again.  The Democrats were to campaign on “governing” and bringing “civility” back to Washington.  In other words they were to lie to the public and pull the wool over the public’s eyes about their real intentions.

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CNN Supports Congressional Abuse Of Power

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A week or so ago, Julie Pace, an anti-Trumper who pretends to be an impartial journalist, went on CNN, the network that is shedding employees like there is no tomorrow.  And that may be the case for CNN.  Pace reported that Pelosi knows that she cannot win an impeachment proceeding.  The Senate will not convict on whatever made-up charges that the Democrats concoct. Pelosi and her entrenched Democratic brethren are not interested in pursuing legitimate legal inquiries into PDJT.  They are a lot more interested in doing opposition research for the 2020 election and “impeachment” proceedings may be the vehicle for doing that.

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