A Lynching
Clarence Thomas called it “a high tech lynching” when the Democrats accused Thomas of being a sex maniac during his confirmation hearings. The Democrats were trying to create a “lynching” atmosphere so that they could defeat his nomination. The facts be damned. A good man was smeared because the Democrats did not like the fact that he was a constitutionalist. The Dems knew that it would be difficult to persuade Thomas to abandon his legal principles and vote to transform the country into something other than a constitutional republic. Therefore his nomination had to be derailed. The Dems did not succeed because a good man stood up and called them out on what they were trying to do.
They tried the same thing with Justice Kavanaugh. Instead of Anita Hill, they substituted Christine Blasey Ford. Her story was as fake as it gets. The storyline was deliberately obtuse so that few details could be checked. Why? If real details were there, the whole narrative would have quickly collapsed like the house of cards that it was. It did eventually collapse anyway but not before the Dems had once again smeared a good man.
There is no question but that the Dems are trying this again. This time it is the President that they are trying to lynch. Nineteen minutes after PDJT took the oath of office, the Washington Post was front and center reporting that the impeachment case against PDJTwas underway.