Flat Earthers

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Those who refuse to have a poison injected into their bodies are “flat earthers” according to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra.  Speaking to Kentuckians recently, Becerra said:

“Because some ‘flat earthers,’ especially those in places of influence, choose to peddle fiction, we’re losing more of our loved ones today than we were a few months ago.”

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Odds & Ends

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One cannot make this stuff up and have it accepted as a script in Hollywood.  The same people who are browbeating the public to get jabbed voted AGAINST testing illegal immigrants for COVID before they are released into the populace.

Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) introduced legislation on Wednesday that would have required migrants to have a negative COVID-19 test before being released from Customs and Border Protection detention. House Democrats voted against the legislation.

Of course, they did.  They need to get as many illegals as possible sprinkled around the country for their election fraud efforts to work.  Testing would impeded that process.

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An Expert’s View

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Peter Andrew McCullough is an American cardiologist.  He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University.  He is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, McCullough advocated for early treatment including hydroxychloroquine.  He has published some 45 pieces on COVID.

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Speeches vs Reality

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As anyone who has been following the news out of Australia knows, the suppression of basic human rights has been going on for some time.  In particular, this past week the police in Melbourne have been engaging in a brutal suppression of a people right to peacefully protest.  The Australian Prime Minister spoke at the UN about the need for and support for basic human rights last week. The incongruity of a speech vs reality is remarkable.

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A True Patriot

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After eighteen years of active duty service in the US Army, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Hague has resigned.

He’s walking away from all he’s worked for and believed in since he was an ROTC kid at UGA.

He’s walking away from his retirement

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One In A Thousand

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new study that was conducted by researchers at Canada’s University of Ottawa Heart Institute found that one out of every thousand(1/1000) mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations (really gene therapy) causes heart inflammation(myopericarditis) to develop rapidly in otherwise healthy individuals.  The long-term, clinical implications of this are staggering.

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