Weather Warning

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NHC Report – At 1000 AM CDT (1500 UTC), the eye of Hurricane Ida was located by reconnaissance aircraft and NWS Doppler radar near latitude 28.8 North, longitude 90.0 West. Ida is moving toward the northwest near 13 mph (20 km/h). A slightly slower northwestward motion should continue through this evening. A turn toward the north should occur by Monday morning, followed by a slightly faster northeastward motion by Monday night and Tuesday. On the forecast track, the center of Ida will make landfall along the coast of southeastern Louisiana within the hurricane warning area within the next few hours.

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Weather Warning

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Preparations for the arrival of Hurricane Ida should be completed today.  Ida is gaining strength rapidly.  She’s pushing a lot of water.  Wind field – NHS reflects approximately 60 miles across of hurricane winds and 250 miles of tropical storm winds.  People in the coastal area of Louisiana and Mississippi should  pay close attention to local officials and heed all evacuation orders.  [National Hurricane Center]

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Why No Warnings

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A friend pointed out something this week that I had not noticed.  It’s about warnings.  Everyone will recognize what I am about to say as true..  Every single ad for a brand name drug in this country comes with a list of warnings about potential side effects.  These warnings come at the end of the ad EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Why are there no warnings about the jab?

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The Nazis are at it again.  The demonization of unvaccinated persons continues.

A high school in Washington State is forcing unvaccinated student athletes to wear ankle monitors in order to participate in sports, according to an outraged parent.

A 15-year-old student at Eatonville High School says that she was forced to wear an ankle tracking monitor to be able to participate in volleyball practice.

Of course, it was for her own good and the safety of others.  However, vaccinated students did not have to do so even though data shows increasing infection rates in vaccinated people.  And, yes, the vaxxed are spreading Delta.

The Nazis are slowly taking over.

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Results of Election Fraud

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Following up of the theme that some people believe that election fraud is a “victimless crime,” the horrific images coming out of Kabul on Thursday belie that idea.  A suicide bomber caused chaos, devastation and bloodshed from the area around the airport gate where desperate Afghans waited despite warnings, hoping for a chance to escape the evil that has engulfed their country.

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Stranded Americans and “Safe” Abortions

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The White House said on Tuesday 58,700 civilians were evacuated from Afghanistan since the operation began.

Emerald Robinson from Newsmax on Tuesday said only 4,000 Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan.  That means there are likely over 10,000 Americans left in the country.  It also means that most of the civilians being evacuated are not American citizens.

On Tuesday night Steve Cortes told his Newsmax audience that according to the most recent numbers from the State Department only 4,407 Americans have been rescued so far.

Just how many hostages is Biden planning on leaving the Taliban?

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Victimless Crime

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One sometimes hears people talking about “victimless crimes.”  These are crimes where supposedly there are no victims.  What an individual did was illegal, but there were no “victims” of the crime.  This is sometimes applied to drug crimes in particular.  One can argue about the idea of such activities being victimless but there certainly are many aspects of such activities to consider.

Is election fraud a victimless crime?  Some people want to claim that it is.  The results of 2020 election fraud become more visible and more horrific every day.  This does not look victimless to me.  How many people will be killed in Afghanistan because of the election fraud committed in this country? ... 

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Rand Paul of Australia

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For those who may not have heard, Australia has actually called out its military to enforce a stringent lockdown on its population over COVID.  People are not happy and have taken to the streets to voice their displeasure.  The result has been beatings from the police and military as well as the firing of rubber bullets into such crowds.  This echoes the 1930’s Germany and proves that giving politicians too much power leads to the same result everywhere, totalitarianism.

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