Pelosi Wants a Nationwide Police Force

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In what has to a stunning move by congressional Democrats, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced she was opening satellite Capitol Police offices in California and Florida.  Supposedly this is to investigate threats against members of Congress.  The Speaker indicated that there would be more locations around the country announced in the future.

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Dominoes is a classic game played by kids and adults everywhere.  One of the more interesting things done with dominoes (and all kids do this) is to line them up and then knock one over and watch the others fall in succession.  This idea of one action causing others is often referred to when a courageous action by a brave soul elicits more of the same by others.  It appears that this is now happening with regard to investigating election fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

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Another Variant…Lambda

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Big Media cannot seem to get away from reporting on coronavirus strains.  As people return to normal activities, those who would control our every movement and thought have doubled down again about a new strain of COVID-19 that has emerged.  This one was supposedly first recognized last August in Peru.  Since people are not paying attention to the alarm bells that accompanied the “Delta” strain, this strain has now become the focus for more warnings about an imminent public health threat.

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Humanist of the Year

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Where is Dr. Fauci?  He seemingly has disappeared from the public view.  In one sense this is not surprising given the recent exposition of all his lies.  This came as a result of an FOIA request.  Big Media has aided in this suppression of news about Dr. Fauci by simply ignoring the story.  Still, these damaging revelations have leaked out and created a need to rehabilitate Dr. Fauci’s image.  Along comes the American Humanist Association (AHA) to bestow their 2021 Humanist of the Year Award on Dr. Fauci.

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Supremes Uphold Law Banning Ballot Harvesting

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In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court upheld an Arizona law that banned the practice of indiscriminate ballot harvesting and nullified any ballot cast in the wrong precinct.  This was an important step to ensure that states can take reasonable steps to ensure the integrity of the vote within their state. This bolsters the efforts ongoing in Georgia to ensure the integrity of their elections. Three justices dissented claiming the law was racist and would undermine Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA).

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Defund The Police

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This was a chant that we heard throughout last year.  Democratic politicians joined in a chorus in calling for ending police as well as defunding them.  In some cities, they actually succeeded in doing so.  Minneapolis was high on that list.

Recently they have completely reversed themselves and now claim that it is the Republicans who wanted to defund the police.  Last week Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) claimed that the Democratic Party has never taken the position that the police should be defunded.

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Carlson Talks About The Big Racket

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Back in February there was a piece published here about the problem on our southern border.  It was called “The Big Racket.”  Last night, Tucker Carlson addressed part of this problem on his show.  He talked about how, without the public’s knowledge or consent, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are being transported into the interior of the country.  Without a doubt this is part and parcel of Barack Obama’s plan to fundamentally transform the country.  And the political elites in Washington are hip deep in the corruption.

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