Sydney Powell Explosive Interview

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On Thursday, Sydney Powel  did an explosive interview carried on BEK TV with Doug Billings.  Powell touched on a variety of topics.  The common thread on these topics is the very dark side of American politics that Powell claims powers much of the evil that we see in Washington and elsewhere.

Doug Billings asked Powell about why Bill Barr let us down and did not pursue legal cases/investigations about election fraud Ms. Powell responded: “frankly I think it is something much darker than that.”

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This Is Justice?

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The trial of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is underway in Hennepin County in Minnesota.  For those who may have forgotten, Chauvin is facing charges of murder for trying to save George Floyd’s life after Floyd had overdosed on drugs.  Just like the George Zimmerman case, these charges should never have been brought.

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More Coercion From Democrats

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The Democrats are hard at work in Congress trying to strip away more of our fundamental liberties.  The latest foray into coercion is H. R. 842 also known as the PRO Act.  Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) lists a few of the worst provisions of this bill.

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It Is Their Turn Now

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The radical left (think communists) believe that it is their turn now.  They believe they can remake America into a communist country. Basic liberties have been taken away.  They have used the pandemic to attack the Bill of Rights.  They are masterfully taking a firm hold on destroying America.  Many Americans have become submissive sheep to this process.

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Censorship continues across the Internet.  YouTube has taken down all copies of PDJT’s speech at CPAC on Sunday.  They cited “election misinformation” as the reason.  YouTube also has suspended the account of Right Side Broadcasting Network for two weeks as apparent punishment for live streaming PDJT’s speech.

A former President’s speech which was viewed more than 30 million times is too dangerous to leave up for other people to see.  Why?  They know that we know that they stole the election.  They hope to crush anyone who dares to think differently from them, who dares to express a view different from the narrative they are selling.

Free speech is dead in this country.  The Big Tech companies are controlling what information is allowed to circulate.

The coup plotters are afraid, very afraid.

More Censorship

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What Happened to Me?

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What Happened to Me?

I received this from a friend and republish it here.

As a man, I used to think I was a regular person, but I was born
white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist and
responsible for slavery

I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards
makes me a fascist.

I went to high school, worked through college, got a degree and
have held a job. I am not here because I earned it, but because I was

I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks now makes me a
homophobe. ... 

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Democrat supporters “stormed” the Georgia State Capitol on Monday after legislators passed a Voter ID requirement for absentee ballots.

The usual culprits advanced the idea that requiring someone to prove who they are is somehow contrary to basic American values concerning free and fair elections.  MSM reporting claimed that voter access was being “rolled back”.  No one in the MSM explained how this was so.  Everyone who could vote previously will still be able to vote.

The problem for the Democrats is that this makes it harder to cheat.

Neanderthal Thinking

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