Valid IDs

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There is a lot of chaos going on about election laws and reform of such.  The left, who will cheat at every opportunity, opposes requiring an ID to vote.  The big multi-nationals support them in this effort to transform American elections.  A valid ID would make it somewhat harder for the left to commit fraud.  Let’s take a look at where valid IDs are required in this country.

Hat Tip…RM

The Democrats say that requiring an ID to vote is racist.  If that is truly the case, then all of the activities above requiring a valid ID must also be racist.  How dumb do the Democrats and their allies think the average American is?

1 thought on “Valid IDs

  1. David Fuentes

    I’m a minority and grew up in the ghetto, When Dems say that minorities can’t get ID’s or read their driver’s license number well that is racists and utterly false! This whole subject, requiring ID’s, is non-sense. Their readily available and the government will pay for it. Nothing else to say!

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