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The silent majority is becoming decidedly less silent.  As draconian lockdown orders have spread throughout the country, the level of frustration has gone up with most Americans who were fine with voluntary compliance with the CDC guidelines.

While the MSM initially attempted to downplay the protests as a fringe movement by a few “right wing idiots,” the reality is that thousands and thousands of people are no longer going to sit by and allow politicians to dictate what they can and cannot do.  Beginning with the drive-by protests by people in their cars in Lansing, Michigan, pushback against the various state lockdown orders has now spread to 18 states.  Another seven states have rallies scheduled this coming week including Missouri, Pennsylvania and Maine.

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Old Glory

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In these unsettled times it is useful to remember just how exceptional America is.  Working together we will overcome this virus just as we have overcome so many hurdles in the past.

We are “…one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Hat Tip…REM
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Would-Be Dictator

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Abuse of power was one of the charges that the Democrats tried to hang around PDJT’s neck during their faux impeachment.  The COVID-19 crisis has allowed the American public to see just how many politicians in positions of power become tinpot dictators and worse.  It has not been pretty.

Some governors, mayors and law enforcement have become tyrants.   This sudden ability to control all aspects of the lives of others has allowed their inner totalitarianism to come out.    Most, but not all, are Democrats.  Most are Democrats because those who would abuse power gravitate to the Democratic Party.  As Democrats, they know that it is unlikely that they will ever be held accountable for their abuses.

President Lincoln once said,

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China’s Bioweapon and Pelosi

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The following is an article by Bill O’Reilly.  It discusses in some detail what he believes is really going on with the Chinese virus.  It tracks with other articles on this subject.  Whether the Chinese deliberately released the virus or it escaped from a lab in Wuhan is immaterial.  The fact is that the CCP has weaponized it to attack America.  And the Democrats, particularly Pelosi and Schiff, have aided and abetted this attack.

The article is well worth a few minutes of your time.

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Freedom Of Speech Attacked

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A previous post reviewed the attack on the free exercise of religion that one dictatorial mayor in Greenville, Mississippi engaged in.  Of course, he is not the only tinpot dictator that has emerged in America during this COVID-19 event.  Multiple other government officials at different levels have engaged in similar attempts to interfere with the exercising of an American’s freedom of religion.  Would-be dictators have been coming out of the woodwork across the country.

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Free Exercise Of Religion Attacked

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Fundamental liberties do not end because there is a pandemic.  Individual rights in our Constitution do not disappear during a public health crisis.  This does not mean that quarantine cannot be imposed if someone has been exposed to a highly communicable and/or deadly disease.  However, measures taken need to be even-handed.  A government entity is not permitted to discriminate against one group while allowing another group to engage in the same or similar activity.  There can be no disparate treatment.

Last week Greenville, Mississippi mayor Errick Simmons, a Democrat, and the city council banned churches from hosting drive-in services.

“The City of Greenville put in place an Executive Order that orders all church buildings closed for in person and drive-in church services, until the State of Mississippi’s Shelter In Place Executive Order No. 1466 is lifted by Governor Tate Reeves. Churches are strongly encouraged to hold services via Facebook Live, Zoom, Free Conference Call, and any and all other social media, streaming, and telephonic platforms,” the order read.

The governor’s order (EO 1466) recommended that church services not be in person but, he did not prohibit drive-in services.  “Mississippi is not China, and it never will be,” Reeves insisted.

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Counting COVID-19 Deaths

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Something strange is going on.  While the number of deaths from COVID-19 are screamed at us every day from the talking bobbleheads in the media, the number of deaths from heart attacks and strokes have plummeted.  This makes no sense.  If anything, given the anxiety and stress of this crisis, we should be seeing more heart attacks not less.  The same can be said for strokes.

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Blatant Lies

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The entire Russian collusion debacle was played out to the max even though every person in the media, every Democratic politician and even Robert Mueller knew there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. This has now been attested to by AG Bill Barr last week, who said that the initiation of the investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane was “without any basis.”  But the lie was carried forward for over two years.  The absolute derangement of those on the left is unprecedented.

This derangement was visible with the subsequent faux impeachment over a legitimate investigation into the money laundering that was going on in Ukraine.  Ukraine is another example of how there is one set of laws for those elite members of the Left while there is a different set of laws for the common people.

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