A Laughingstock

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During the early months of the Trump administration, one of the tactics that the Democrats and their bobblehead allies in the media were using to undermine PDJT was to talk about how other nations were laughing at America because PDJT was President.

I cannot be sure that was ever the case.  However, regardless of whether it was or was not true, what is true today is that the Democratic Party has become the laughingstock of the world for having Joe Biden as their candidate for President.

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And So It Begins

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America under Joe Biden is beginning to be displayed.  The DNC convention in Milwaukee is rapidly turning into a virtual event.  It has been vastly scaled down from the original.  COVID-19 is being used as the excuse but most people realize that the possibility of unrest in Milwaukee coupled with Joe Biden’s deteriorating cognitive faculties is the real reason.  The Democrats are desperate to keep Biden in his basement as much as possible.

A citizens’ committee in Milwaukee, site of the DNC convention, has decided to disarm the police.  The committee ordered Police Chief Alonso Morales to order his forces to cease using tear gas and pepper spray.  I guess the idea of Bernie Bros being gassed on national TV was not the image that the DNC wanted to project.  The memories of Chicago in 1968 still haunt the Democrats. ... 

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The Deadliest Virus

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Marxists are manipulating people trying to divide the free world, cause an uprising that results in revolution.  Marxism’s modus operandi is to pit one group against another.  If they succeed, Marxists will then establish a dictatorship just as they have done before. Equality will be out the window.  They did the same thing to Russia 100 years ago.

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Black Democrat Scorches MSNBC Hack

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The Democrats showed their hand again.  If you are black, you must be a Democrat.  You must vote Democratic because the Democrats are the masters of the plantation.

For the second time in a week an MSNBC hack accused a black politician if they were getting paid to support PDJT’s re-election.  This is the same level of lunacy evidenced by Joe Biden’s remark about if you are not voting for him, “you ain’t black.”  This just drips of racism.

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As noted yesterday, the tech giants are hiding/banning posts about treatments for the coronavirus and the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).  This comes despite a reputable recent major study and a new report from a Yale epidemiological expert that verifies the potential efficacy of HCQ.

Dr. Harvey Risch is a Yale epidemiology professor.  Dr. Risch has authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently holds senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals.  He authored an op-ed that was published in Newsweek regarding the use of HCQ as an efficacious treatment for COVID-19.

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Incredible Disrespect Of The Attorney General

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AG Bill Barr testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.  The hearing was delayed more than an hour because the Chairman, Jerrold Nadler, was involved in a minor traffic accident on his way to Capitol Hill.  This delayed the circus that the Democrats had planned for this hearing.

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Jim Jordan Outlines The Coup

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Jim Jordan (R-OH) lays out the timeline of the coup against the President of the United States.  Jordan lays out facts, not theories.  At one time each of facts Jordan presents were blasted as right-wing conspiracy theories by various Democrats and the bobbleheads in the media.

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AOC Destroyed By Trey Gowdy

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Despite her youth, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one the most recognizable names in the Democratic party.  Why is that? Because AOC has become a national laughing stock due to her many ridiculous statements on many different subjects.

Her most recent misstep came when AOC claimed during a town hall meeting that the recent rise in violent crime in NYC was due to desperate residents fearing eviction and searching for bread to feed their families.

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Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Is Back In The News

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Recently a group called America’s Frontline Doctors gave a press conference on the steps of the Supreme Court about HCQ and its use as a treatment for Covid-19.  PDJT promoted the video resulting from this.  The video was removed by Twitter.

A Twitter representative told CNN that the action was taken “in line with” their coronavirus “misinformation” policy.  Apparently Twitter removes anything that suggests that HCQ could be useful in treating the illness.

Donald Trump, Jr. had his account put in Twitter jail for sharing the video.  Andy Surabian, a spokesman for Trump Jr., said: ... 

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