Jerrold Nadler Has Moved Off Planet

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The silence from Democrats over the left-wing violence unfolding in Portland is deafening. To make matters worse, when they do finally speak up, their words are an insult to our intelligence.

According to Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, the violence that has been ongoing in Portland for two months is “a myth that is being spread only on Washington, DC.”  Just what planet is Nadler living on?  There are probably a thousand videos on social media showing the riots.  Nadler joins Jim Clyburn (D-SC) as being either a hopelessly ignorant politician or a prevaricator extraordinaire.

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Another Hoax Hate Crime?

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This story was one of many stories circulating near the end of June about riots, protesting, etc.  Most of the stories in the MSM were depicting all these events as being mostly peaceful.

In Madison, Wisconsin, a mob tore down two statues and assaulted a white Democrat state lawmaker. They beat the guy up pretty badly. Why?  Because he was using his cell phone to record what was happening.  Then the mob went to a government building, squirted lighter fluid on it and set the building on fire after waving around a Molotov cocktail. The Department of Justice has released a grainy, hard-to-see photograph of the firebombing attack. There’s even a photo of a person squirting the barbecue starter fluid on the building.  This happened at 1:00 AM.

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A Stunning Interview

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To quote a deep state operative, “If the American people knew what we did, they would hang us all from light posts.”  We are starting to see more and more the incredible depths of the corruption within the Obama administration.  This interview by Lou Dobbs of Sidney Powell is a must to watch.

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 A Time To Heal

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A single act can have impacts way beyond its immediate effects.  If a butterfly flaps its wings somewhere in Africa, that’s a small event. But that wing flap could be enough to slightly alter a wind, which in turn could initiate a chain of events causing a tornado weeks later in America. The point here, is that a very small event, such as a butterfly flapping its wings, can have very large consequences.

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COVID-19…Florida Isn’t A Graveyard

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It continues to amaze me on how the media is handling coverage of COVID-19.  Governor Cuomo of New York is being turned into St. Andrew Cuomo.  His handling of the pandemic has to be close to, if not is, the most inept handling of this pandemic by any government official anywhere.  His forcing COVID-19 patients into long term care facilities was downright idiotic.  And he persuaded his counterparts in NJ, PA and Michigan to follow his lead.  This resulted into thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.  NY is literally the worst spot for COVID-19 in the world.  But according to “learned” people, Cuomo’s leadership was “competent, fact based, empathetic and forceful.”  In what universe would this be true?

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Austin Police Release Driver

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Police have released the driver who allegedly killed an armed protester Saturday night in downtown Austin, Texas.

Just before 10 p.m. Saturday evening, a car turned down the street toward the protesters and the driver started honking the horn. The vehicle stopped in the roadway and was mobbed by the crowd.  The crowd began slamming the car as is typical in these situations.  The idea is to force the occupants out of the vehicle where, as described in the Antifa guide book, the Antifa thugs can f*ck them up.

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Portland In The Spotlight

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Portland continues to be a source showing everyone in America what is really going on.  On Friday, the US Attorney for Oregon announced the arrest of 18 individuals involved in the rioting in downtown.  They are charged with a variety of federal offenses ranging from assaulting a federal officer to arson.

In a statement released Friday, Renn Cannon, the Special Agent in Charge at the FBI’s Portland office, said the agency had been helping investigate crimes on federal property in the city.

“Our investigations involve specific violations of federal law, including arson, the use of improvised explosive devices, and interstate transportation of stolen goods.”

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