Another Email

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As anyone who has followed the Michael Flynn case will attest, the progress of the Flynn case from his plea to his sentencing has been slow.  There are glaciers in Alaska in winter that have been moving faster than this case.  However, now it’s like a spring thaw on a frozen river.

As is becoming more and more apparent with each passing day, elite figures within the Obama-Biden administration conspired to frame LTG Flynn.  As a seasoned intelligence officer who would be head of the NSC, Flynn was a threat to uncovering the plot to overthrow the administration of PDJT.  That threat had to be eliminated.

I am speculating here.  It seems to me that AG Bill Barr probably detected problems with the Flynn case some time ago.  Barr may have discerned that the prosecution was bogus.  After all, Barr has said that spying on the Trump campaign was “without basis.”  Barr was lambasted by the media for doing so “without offering evidence.”  Since when is the media entitled to see the evidence in a criminal case?

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Bombs Away!

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I must confess that I have always liked House Representative Jim Jordan.  He has always struck me as a no-nonsense guy who is a straight shooter.  On Monday, in his role as ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, Jordan sent a letter to FBI Director Wray.  In it Jordan is questioning why the exposing of an unbelievable level of political corruption has to come from a case in a courtroom rather than from Director Wray himself.

View the full six page letter.

The exposing of criminality within the elite levels of the FBI continues.  In effect Jordan has tossed an IED into Director Wray’s lap.  In addition to requesting all documents and communications relating to the investigation as well as communications among the executive branch agencies (good luck with that…Obama will assert executive privilege). Jordan has asked for the following:

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Why Now?

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For more than a month the Tara Reade accusations against Joe Biden have been out.  Up to last Thursday the MSM had spent almost no time at all covering the story.  Not a single reporter had asked a question of Joe Biden about the accusations during that period of time.

This is the exact opposite of what would have happened if a Republican had been accused.  The media would have been consumed with trying to force the resignation of such an individual without ever trying to find out if there was any substance to the story.  Witness the Brett Kavanaugh witch hunt.

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Did Strzok Re-write Flynn FD-302?

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While the MSM is still trying to keep people cowering inside their homes due to COVID-19, more and more evidence is coming out in the General Michael Flynn case.  The DOJ has handed over a fair amount of exculpatory evidence to Flynn’s defense led by Sidney Powell during the past 10 days or so.  Supplemental motions are being filed on Flynn’s behalf sometimes on a daily basis.  This has led Judge Sullivan, the presiding judge, to request that such motions stop until all evidence has been turned over by the DOJ.  The DOJ is close to certifying this requirement.

The evidence turned over so far has revealed corruption in Obama’s FBI that may be unprecedented in American history.  Close examination of the evidence keeps finding new leads into the morass that is the Flynn prosecution.

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Ministry of COVID Compliance

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A rare Sunday post.  The following is satire from Sundance over at CTH.  As with all satire there are grains of truth scattered about.  Enjoy!

The Ministry of Covid Compliance is reminding us this week how the virus has a genetic targeting mechanism able to differentiate between essential cans of vegetables, bottles of liquor, lottery tickets and non-essential products like sneakers and paint.  Thus the Ministry is able to help us better understand the lock-down policy.

We’ve been piling into crowded supermarkets for seven weeks buying food, and we are allowed to purchase liquor and lottery tickets. Those purchases are deemed safe by the state; however, it is critical for viral control that we not purchase sneakers or other hazardous items which pose a greater threat of proximity transmission.  ... 

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Opening/Closing The Flynn Case

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A friend of mine has said many times that the lawyers will figure out a “color of authority” defense to get these creeps off who framed General Flynn.  I am hopeful John Durham is smart enough to navigate around those landmines.

There is an excellent piece by Mark Wauck over at MIH that delves into the machinations that elite FBI employees engaged in to set up and frame General Flynn.  I will attempt to summarize what he has posted.  It is blood boiling type of stuff.

At some point during 2016 (no later than August 2016) the Washington Field Office (WFO) initiated an investigation into General Flynn.  This was done under FARA, that is, the Foreign Agent Registration Act.  As per Mark Wauck, the essentials of the act are pretty straightforward. ... 

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Democratic Racism Revealed…Again

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About ten days ago, PDJT signed an executive order which temporarily halted immigration into the United States.  This was done as an additional control for COVID-19 infection as well as protecting American jobs during this unprecedented crisis.

As expected, the left went into a frenzy over this.  However, most Americans agreed with the President that we need to protect jobs for Americans.

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Bloomberg Buying The DNC

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Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show that more than 50% of the $32.7 million raised by the DNC in March came from Michael Bloomberg.  Specifically $18 million came from Bloomberg.

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