Is Macron On The Ropes?

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Will French President Macron survive?  France is not Venezuela yet.  But, civil unrest continues to be a problem in parts of the country.  And the French have a history of overthrowing their rulers and re-writing their constitutions.  Since 1789 they have removed three kings, two emperors, and several presidents.  During that period of time the country has had 15 constitutions.

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Will France Become Another Venezuela?

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In France on Monday President Macron tried to get control over the civil unrest that is engulfing parts of the country.  He attempted to bribe the citizenry by raising the minimum wage, exempting overtime pay from taxation and promising not to raise taxes on pensioners receiving less than 2,000 euro/month.

Is Macron trying to take France down Venezuela’s path?  Maduro did similar things and we all know how well that has worked out.  How many struggling small businesses will be forced to shutter due to Macron’s “generosity”? Macron has indicated he will use the full weight of the police and military as needed to quell anti-government protests.  Some 89,000 police were mobilized last weekend against the uprisings. ... 

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Has France Ignited Europe’s Arab Spring?

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Over the weekend some 125,000 people across France donned yellow safety jackets. They rallied against President Emmanuel Macron and the high cost of living in France. In Paris, armored vehicles and almost ten thousand police tried to contain the demonstrators.

Many famous Paris tourist spots were locked down during a fourth weekend of protests. Almost 1400 people were arrested and dozens of people were injured. Because of the increased police presence there appeared to be fewer outbreaks of mass violence that had plagued Paris on previous weekends.

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Returning Christ To Christmas

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For too many years we have had leaders who were afraid to recognize Christianity as a critical religion in America.  This has been particularly true when it came to Christmas.  There has been a big push helped along by a corrupt media to try to take Christ out of the season.  It became “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas.”  It has been made to appear that the holiday season had nothing to do with the birth of our Lord and Savior more than 2000 years ago.

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Frivolous Prosecutions

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The recent election campaigns have illustrated that the Democrats will stoop to any low to win an election.  Perhaps the architectural blueprint for a lot of this type of activity occurred ten years ago in Alaska.  At that time Senator Ted Stevens-R was running for re-election.  The Democrats abused the legal system until Stevens’ name and career were utterly destroyed.

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Hangman’s Nooses

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Last week on the morning before the runoff election for the US Senate in Mississippi a number of hangman’s nooses were found hanging from trees near the State Capitol in Jackson.  In addition, “hate” messages were found nearby.

Of course, this led to an immediate meltdown by the MSM and elite Democrats.  Leftists knew immediately who was behind the horrific display: white supremacists who supported Sen. Hyde-Smith in her runoff election against Democrat Mike Espy.


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Mueller Tries To Be Relevant Again

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller rolled back into the news cycle last week. He made charges that Paul Manafort lied to Congress in violation of his plea agreement.  One has to ask why would Mueller go to the news with this now?

Recently, the president’s legal team had PDJT answer questions in writing. They delivered replies to some of the special counsel’s queries on Nov. 20 after months of negotiation.  Is this ploy of claiming Manafort lied another desperate attempt by Mueller to remain relevant?  Is he somehow trying to get Manafort to change his story so that Mueller can go after PDJT in some outlandish perjury trap?  Remember you can be convicted of perjury even if you always told the truth.

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Campus Free Speech

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As I discussed in a post last week, political correctness is about rigidity of thinking.  The idea is to censor people’s thinking along fairly rigid and specific lines. By not allowing thinking that is outside the box, the hope is to control the ways people see what is around them. In other words this is a method to alter people’s perception of reality.

If a person dares to speak/think outside accepted norms, the left will label him/her.  The form of that label will be will depend on the circumstances that surround the stepping outside the box.  The label will present the individual as a deplorable.  They may call the person a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, an islamophobe, etc.  Whatever it will be, it will be such as to present the person as evil in some way.

In this day and age there is no area of American life with more rigidity of thinking than on our college campuses.  The fact is that 1 in 6 of America’s 400 top colleges have “free speech zones.”  “Free speech zones”—the name sounds good, right? The sad truth is that free speech zones are far from free. Many college campuses restrict free speech solely to these areas, meaning that the rest of campus is not open for expression.  Not only that but many of the so-called free speech zones have unduly restrictive regulations on their use which include pre-registration, limited use and limited areas.

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Censoring People’s Thoughts

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Political correctness is the bane of right thinking people.  In reality PC is a form of censorship.  By not allowing certain forms of speech, the left hopes to control people’s thinking in a very specific way.  And that is what PC is.  It is training people’s thinking.  Thinking outside the box is discouraged as being evil in some way.

For example, opposition to the open borders policies of the Democrats will quickly get one labeled as a bigot, racist, etc., among left wing types. They will call you a hater of women and children.  The sole purpose of such activity is to suppress any dissent from the Democratic policy goals.  Any discussion of the real facts will be labeled as lies and propaganda.  Such attempts at espousing real facts will quickly earn you the title of deplorable. ... 

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