The Most Divisive President

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During a recent speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Joe Biden angrily called out Republicans and conservatives as extremists that “threaten the very foundations of our republic.”  Recent polls show that the majority of the public sees his speech as one that was designed to incite conflict.

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Just Following Orders

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Taking a break from the lunacy of the White House’s attempts to start World War III, Dr. Tom Woods has returned to the absolute idiocy of the “vaccines” that do not stop infection and do not stop transmission.  His vehicle for doing this is an exchange between the CEO of Amtrak and Rep. Tom Massie (R-KY) that took place last week.

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Playing A Dangerous Game

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Russia has annexed four provinces that were formerly part of Ukraine.  Ceremonies have been held in Moscow celebrating these events.  This was done after the provinces held referendums on which country they wanted to be part of.

What I have written above are the facts as they exist right now.  There is no bias to these facts.  There is no ideological bent to these facts.  Where there is disagreement is in the stated results.

Russia claimed that the result was favorable to them.  The West claims it was all a fraud.  In war everybody lies about something.

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The images coming out of Florida are unreal.  They remind me of the pictures after Hurricane Andrew.  They re-affirm the power of Mother Nature.  Hurricane Ian has caused widespread damage at a level that is simply hard to fathom.

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Civil War

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Are the Democrats trying to start a civil war?  Joe Biden’s speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia characterized half the country as domestic terrorists because they disagree with his policies.  They are facing the prospect of catastrophic losses in the mid-terms.  They have no agenda to run on except that they like to murder babies.  A civil war would give them the opportunity to cancel elections and impose martial law.

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Viva Giorgia Meloni

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Italy has a new face at the top of its politics: Her name is Giorgia Meloni and she’s set to become prime minister. For those who may have missed it, Meloni’s party won Italy’s recent elections.  This happened despite the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, threatening the Italian people if they elected the “wrong” candidate.

Meloni is the head of a center-right coalition that will rule the country.  However, if you listen to the usual bobbleheads on the propaganda media outlets, Meloni is a direct descendent of Mussolini himself.  According to them fascism is descending on the country.

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Nord Stream Pipelines Blown Up

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On Monday “leaks” were detected in the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines.  The leaks in the pipelines were detected northeast and southeast of the Danish island of Bornholm.  Simultaneous with the detection of these “leaks,” seismologists detected underwater explosions at the site of the Nord Stream pipelines gas leaks in the Baltic Sea.

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The Dobbs Triumph

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Back after the leak of the Dobbs decision that presaged the overturning of the Row v Wade decision, John Davidson wrote an article for the Federalist that praised the decision.  The Dobbs decision returned some semblance of sanity to cases being argued in the Supreme Court.  The decision was a triumph for how our founding fathers saw the branches of government.  Davidson also warned about the potential violent after effects of the decision.

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