Question From A Curious Mind

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Where’s the video?  Every war over the last 80 years has had a significant video component.  Now, during WWII that component may have been delayed a couple of weeks, but it was there.  Newsreels put together video from all manner of places and situations.  It was done on both sides of the conflict. Continue reading...

Odds & Ends

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Russian President Vladimir Putin declared Tuesday that his nation will ban crude oil and petroleum product exports to countries that impose a price cap on Russian crude.

So, let me get this straight.  Russia is the capitalist country in calling for the market to set the price.  And the US and Europe are imposing communist restrictions on the oil market.

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Another Dissenting Voice

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Dr. Tom Woods has been a beacon of light, a refreshing bolt of sunshine, throughout the COVID ordeal.  Dr. Woods has consistently shown a light into the dark recesses of our government that were trying to end freedom in this country.  The latest episodes of the Twitter Files show just how true this has been.  Wholesale suppression of actual facts by the Biden administration was the norm.

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They Were 100% Wrong

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Don Surber has published a post about just how wrong the elites were about COVID.  All of the available evidence shows without a doubt that every mandate did more harm than good.  In fact, many of the edicts put forth by Governors, at al, were the opposite of what they should have been.

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The Ukrainian Boondoggle

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Here’s a short list of everything that is wrong with the sending of money to Ukraine.

First, despite Mitch McConnell’s claims, spending taxpayer dollars on a proxy war in Eastern Europe is not high on the priority list for any group of voters, Democrat or Republican. Polling has noted this since the beginning of the war last February.

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Original Sin

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Vaccine original antigenic sin…It’s real and getting worse.

Original antigenic sin is the tendency of the immune system to preferentially use immunological memory based on a previous infection when a second slightly different version of that foreign pathogen (e.g. a virus or bacterium) is encountered. This leaves the immune system “trapped” by the first response it has made to each antigen, and unable to mount potentially more effective responses during subsequent infections.

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A Gift To The World

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This is a repeat post from a couple of years ago.

Kaylee Rodgers singing “Hallelujah” will blow you away. The girl has autism and ADHD. She performed the song with the Killard House School Choir in Donaghadee, Ireland.

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A Glimmer of Hope

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As most people know by now, the hero of the Ukraine, Vladimir Zelenskyy, showed up in the US on Wednesday to get more payola.  Zelenskyy spoke to Congress at length and was showered with repeated standing ovations.  Very few of the assembled Congress critters did not participate in the fawning and swooning.  Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO) were notable exceptions.

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