The War On Christianity Continues

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One of the enduring legacies of the Obama administration has been the ongoing war against Christianity in this country.  PDJT had some success in blunting this during his time in office.  However, it has returned with a vengeance since the senile old fool moved into the Oval Office.

One of the aspects of the takeover by communists of any country is to diminish, if not outright ban, religious observances.  Barack Obama was famous for having changed “the free exercise of religion” to “freedom of worship.”  This was a step towards reducing the rights of the American people to freedom of religion.

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Reflections on Chaos

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Tucker Carlson went to Arizona and delivered a speech to AmFest.  The truth of what he says is striking even if he takes 30 minutes to say it.  In part of Tucker’s unscripted remarks, a discussion about this current moment in the lifecycle of life’s storms and cultural chaos, Carlson noted his need to go silent for a few days and reflect on the bigger picture of our situation.   If you have not seen this speech, I recommend it.

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There Is No Recession

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The current fairy tale that the administration has been propagating is that any talk of a recession is either “misinformation” or “disinformation.”  The administration hopes that sometime in the near future they will be able to arrest people for spreading the truth just as we saw in connection with the stealing of the 2020 election.

We have seen massive waves of inflation hitting the pocketbooks of everyday Americans.  This is not being matched by wage increases.  What would be the obvious result?  Less economic output as people tighten their belts.  All of this is a direct outcome of the economic policies of this administration.

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Ukrainian Money Flow

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An interesting infographic from Will Geary [SOURCE] that gives context to the amount of money the United States is spending in Ukraine.  This is being done to support a dictator who has banned opposition political parties, is threatening to close down churches who do not share his “vision of the world” and whose wife just spent 40,000 euros in a few hours at a Paris boutique.

Each dot in the video represents $100,000.00 as outlined.

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The EU to Starve People

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The EU has convinced the Netherlands that they must reduce nitrogen emissions in order to be a member in good standing within the EU.  The Netherlands is the largest exporter of agricultural products in the EU.  They are second only to the US as an agricultural exporter in the world. 

The Dutch Council of State passed a law in 2019 requiring every activity that emits nitrogen to obtain a permit. Consequently, the expansion of dairy, poultry and pig farms, which produce nitrogen – in the form of ammonia – from animal manure has been curbed.

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Odds & Ends

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Canada continues to devalue human life.

Justin Trudeau’s government continues to show that it little cares about the value of human life.  Starting mid-March, Canada will allow medical euthanasia for people plagued with mental disorders under the country’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation. From March 17, the law in Canada expands to include those suffering from mental illnesses.

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