Normalizing Political Violence

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As has been pointed out before, the left wants the American people to accept political violence as normal.  Hatred and calls for violence from left wing activists are now so routine that few prominent people bother to condemn them.

Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi have constantly been urging their supporters to confront those who do not agree with their Marxist philosophy, to get in their faces in public, to harass them in restaurants, at department stores, at gas stations.  Waters even extended this to harassing people in their homes.  The goal is to silence those who disagree with them.

This approach has long been a weapon in the arsenal of the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders ginned up the unhinged by falsely stating “As Republicans try to repeal the Affordable Care Act, they should be reminded every day that 36,000 people will die yearly as a result.”

Elizabeth Warren did the same with her tweet on Obamacare repeal.

What are the real facts on Obamacare?  Since it went into full effect, approximately 80000 more people are dying each year (source…CDC). For the first time in decades the mortality rate in America has been going up.  Maybe the question should have been, “Why are the Democrats supporting a position that appears to be increasing the mortality rate in this country, that is, killing tens of thousands of people?”

The real issue is that repealing Obamacare would lessen the left’s control over the people.  And the Democrats cannot have that even if it means that more people must die each year.  Witness how many tens of millions of people died in communist countries during the last century if they opposed what the left was selling.

All the false Democratic rhetoric on Obamacare led James Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, a Bernie Sanders supporter and left-wing activist, to attempt to assassinate two dozen Republican congressmen on a ball field in Alexandria in June 2017.  Only the presence of Steve Scalise’s security detail prevented what would probably have been a massacre.

Now without question, the person actually responsible for the Alexandria shooting is Hodgkinson.  Nonetheless, the pattern of violence is difficult to ignore. Hodginkson’s would-be massacre came after an attempt to run GOP congressman David Kustoff (Tenn.) off the road for supporting the House’s Obamacare-replacement bill, after threats of violence against Oregon’s Multnomah County Republican party (serious enough that local officials canceled an annual parade, where party members were slated to appear), after an uncounted number of violent attacks by Antifa and BLM. There also was a glut of public, wishful thinking about a Trump assassination, the most obvious being the idiotic hijinks of Kathy Griffin. Some on the left have encouraged these episodes; most have been silent.

And therein lies the problem.  As has been said many times, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”  Where are the good people, men and women, on the left to denounce such evil as promoted by these people?  Who in the MSM has done so?

Hillary Clinton claimed that the only way for there to be a return to civility in Washington was for the Democrats to be returned to power.  Well, they now control the House.  Have things become more civil since Election Night?

The answer is a resounding “No.” In fact, the threat of political violence appears to be rising from the left.  They have continued to encourage the invasion of our country by criminals along our southern border.  The MSM has been silent about the attempts by migrants to breach the border on New Year’s Day.

Why do the Democrats support these lawless acts by people who would become illegal aliens?  Significant numbers of persons in the recent caravan have been identified as violent criminals.

Recently Michael Savage received death threats that were considered so serious that he moved to an undisclosed location.  Savage is a well-known, conservative political commentator.  As reported in the Washington Times:

This is vile.  This has upped the stakes for restaurants who do business with the public and not just the loonies on the left.  This is the direct result of Democrats encouraging violent confrontations with people that they disagree with ideologically.

I googled “Michael Savage death threat.”  There were no hits on the 1st two screens for even a report of this threat on left-of-center MSM outlets.  And forget about any left-wing politician or celebrity.  Are there no good people on the left?  Have they all been brainwashed?  Are we headed to a totalitarian society run by “democratic socialists?”

As noted by Thomas Lifson,