Voter Fraud

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According to the Democrats, you are more likely to be hit by lightning than for an instance of voter fraud to occur.  They have long attacked any effort to look into the potential for voter fraud as “voter suppression.”  They use scare mongering to respond to questions about this.  They hope to deter people from taking a serious look at the possibilities.  People will be afraid to be labeled as racists and worse.

“Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology — conservative or liberal — who has ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found …” 

The above quote from President Obama on October 18, 2016, was in response to an admonition by PDJT to his supporters to be on the lookout for potential voter fraud during the 2016 Presidential election.

Since then some efforts have been undertaken to look into the voter rolls in different states.  What have been the results?

In Texas, WFAA had this:

This would certainly seem to indicate that a problem exists there. However, what about other states?

Pennsylvania has come to the forefront recently.

So, Pennsylvania seems to have a problem.

A study in Colorado identified nearly 12,000 non-citizens who were registered to vote.  Some 5,000 had voted in a recent election.

Just how widespread is the problem?  Heavily Democratic states are resisting efforts to audit their voter rolls. So, it is difficult to ascertain what the total potential for voter fraud is across the country.  However, one thing is clear.  It is a lot more common than being hit by lightning.

But voter fraud does not have to be widespread to be effective.  Every vote cast illegally cancels out a vote by an American.  Many races in 2018 were decided by a relatively small number of votes particularly in California where Republicans lost a number of House seats by small margins.

And that’s the whole point.  The purpose of election fraud is to flip close elections. That doesn’t take widespread voter fraud, just carefully targeted efforts.

Isn’t it time for Americans to demand that their state clean up their voter rolls?