Climate Strike

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The success of the left’s brainwashing machine was on display Friday.  Tens of thousands of students around the world walked out of classes to protest climate change.  They joined AOC in this country in predicting a future not worth living unless dramatic action is taken by governments world-wide to combat global warming.  Of course, they call it climate change since the left cannot make up its mind whether man is cooling (1970’s) or warming (1990’s mantra) the globe.

Brussels, Belgium

Organized by leftist activists at numerous locations around the world, the demonstrations saw students walking out of classes, joined by adult climate activists.  The students skipped school supposedly to educate adults on climate change issues.

New York

This particular movement started a year ago when 16-year-old Greta Thunberg skipped school on Fridays to protest outside Sweden’s parliament. Although she started alone, Thunberg’s activities have attracted supporters across the globe.

The problem here is the message.  According to Thunberg (and AOC also) the world has 12 years before it essentially ends due to irreversible global warming.  Thunberg does not allow facts to enter the discussion.  Hers is a messianic mission to save mankind. On the other hand AOC is following the directions of her communist handlers.

Of course, Greta Thunberg is not a messenger from God.  Her purity and lack of doubt do not presuppose a correct hypothesis. Her mission may be righteous or not, but she has no right to call on action without winning debates.

They both want to make decisions for mankind without any basis in fact, without submitting their hypothesis to rigorous scientific debate.  With Thunberg it is the blind faith of youth who has been brainwashed to believe a mission.  With AOC it is all about amassing power over people.

As Greenpeace’s co-founder Patrick Moore recently said global warming is the biggest scam in history.  Al Gore made millions off a movement that has no basis in scientific fact.  The inconvenient truth in his “Inconvenient Truth” presentation is that increasing CO2 levels follow increasing temperatures. It does do not come before them.  The whole climate change movement has been simply an attempt by some politicians and green companies to force mankind to accept a scientific farce.

The scientific method is quite rigorous when followed.  The scientific method requires one to ascertain the problem, identify the cause, create a hypothesis, conduct experiments, and review the results to see if the hypothesis is correct.

The problem is that no theory that uses CO2 as the cause of global warming produces results that jive with observations.  The theories do fairly well from 1979 to 1998.  However, they cannot handle years before or after that time period with any accuracy.  Since 1998 there has been no warming   Today all theories are off by several hundred per cent.  This should have led to a re-evaluation of the theories.  However, the politicians and the green companies had bought into this as a method of control (and money) for the politicians and a livelihood for the “greens.”  They were not about to admit they were wrong.

Despite President Obama’s repeated lies about 97% of scientists supporting CO2 as the predominant source of warming for the planet, the facts do not support CO2 as anything but a very minor player in climate.  In fact, over 30,000 scientists (more than 7,000 PhD’s) signed an open letter to the White House during Obama’s Presidency stating that antropogenic activities were not the predominant cause of global warming.

And now warming has stopped.  This is despite a continuing increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.  Perhaps it is time for a robust discussion with Thunberg and AOC about climate science.  Unfortunately terms like Dalton minimumMaunder minimum and Milankovitch cycles are a foreign language to them.  Yet they are important to a full understanding of climate cycles.  And the earth may be in one such cycle right now.  These minimums have been connected with significantly cooler temperatures worldwide.

Will Thunberg and AOC be blaming man-made activities for that as well?  It is time for the climate debate to be centered on facts.