The Party’s Over

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Now that the Mueller investigation is over, what can be expected next?  The normal process does not allow for the release of investigative material unless there is an indictment.  The privacy of innocent people who have never been charged with any crime must be protected.

The Democrats will mine whatever the DOJ releases for any crumb that they might use against the President.  If the DOJ does not release all of the report, Rep. Adam Schiff and others will claim that high crimes and misdemeanors are being covered up even though he knows better. It will be all about trying to make some political hay out of the disaster that was the Mueller investigation.

Pelosi and Schumer will demand that all investigative materials be declassified and released.  They will probably say that full transparency is needed to protect the integrity of the US intelligence community or some such crap like that.  The complete investigative file would likely be millions of pages.  There would also be wiretaps, emails, text messages, etc.

This material would be comprised mostly of innuendo, suspicion and investigative lines of inquiry.  As such, it would hold the potential for weaponizing unfounded accusations against the Trump administration. That’s why Pelosi and Schumer would want it all declassified and released.  They are no dummies.  They need this if they are to have any hope of winning the White House in 2020.

The problem for the Dems is that the Dems are literally coming unglued   Pelosi struck a deal with the devil to regain the House speakership.  And it has already come back to bite her.  An anti-semitic member of their caucus has already created huge problems for the Party.  And Pelosi does not seem to have any way of reining in this kind of activity.

AOC has proposed a “New Deal” which is simply a conversion of the country to communism.  And AOC is unapologetic about this.  As the party moves further and further to the left, the only message they have is free stuff. The Dems need slander to make their case for a return to the White House.

Adam Schiff will be the most likely leader of such an effort.  He has already disparaged the bi-partisan Senate Intelligence Committee pronouncement that they found no evidence of collusion. He claimed that the Senators on the committee did not know what collusion meant. He said,

“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence. Now, there’s a difference between seeing evidence of collusion and being able to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.”

This is the narrative that one can expect to see from the Democrats moving forward.  Of course, if they can weave the idea of the Republicans being “deplorables” into it, they will do that as well.  And one can expect their lapdog allies in the media to try to assist them.  History may look back on this time and conclude that the Mueller investigation destroyed whatever little credibility the media had left.

What about the Republicans?  What can one expect from them?  There are major corruption investigations that should now be able to move forward. The entire campaign to rig the 2016 election can be looked at.  This includes the FISA warrants fiasco.  Also inserting spies into campaigns. Allowing “contractors” access to the government’s top-secret NSA files on behalf of the Clinton Campaign.   Weaponizing the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the NSA, etc., for partisan politics.  There is also the Horowitz IG investigation that can now go forward unimpeded by an “ongoing” investigation

There is a storm coming.  There must be an accounting. Either the Obama/Clinton Junta is held accountable, or we lose our constitutional republic.  Free and fair elections used to be how we settled things instead of using violence. If the Democrats have rejected free and fair elections in favor of police-state election-tampering, then they must never gain power again.   And this should be done “by any means necessary.”

Get some popcorn.  It will be interesting