Cold Anger

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Bill Whittle summarizes the corruption of the Obama administration and what followed. He lays it out item by item.  Bill Whittle doesn’t say “Cold Anger” but what he expresses, the anger, the frustration and the resolve, is exactly that.

This has not been just an attempted coup to bring down PDJT.  The coup attempt is trying to hide the corruption of many elite pols.  PDJT was and is a threat to them and their cash cows!

Hat Tip…CTH

The First Amendment allows anyone to stand up and make a statement. Videos like this demonstrate what the Internet is capable of.  The Internet makes it possible for individual citizens to have a voice.  And it should be remembered that Obama tried to bring the Internet under government control through Net Neutrality regulation.  If that had not been rescinded, the government could prevent such information as this from getting out.

The First Amendment is still an awesome political weapon, as long as it continues to exist.  There are those (see HR 1 and HR 5, both passed by the Democrats in the House) who would end it.

PDJT said plainly and repeatedly that the “collusion delusion should never happen to another president.” He means it.  As the information comes out about the unbelievable level of corruption within the Obama administration, it is up to us to repeat it far and wide, to call out the smoke screens that try to hide it, to boycott those MSM outlets that refuse to be real news outlets.

This will not be won in a few days, or weeks.  Patience and a stick-to-it attitude is the key.  We need to remember what Jimmy Valvano said as he was dying of cancer, “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.”

This video is worth eight minutes of your time.