The Real Origins Of Spygate, Part 1

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To get into the big picture about the origins of Spygate, there is a lot that one needs to ignore.  Allowing oneself to get caught up in emotion, whether it be righteous anger or unbridled outrage, will lead to being distracted from the real origins of the attacks against this country and this administration.

Not that there is nothing here to be outraged or upset over.  There is much here that makes the blood boil.  It is difficult to know where to start.

One issue is President Obama and his top intelligence officials, notably John Brennan, James Comey, James Clapper and Sally Yates intentionally lying about issues to president-elect Donald Trump and his transition team from the election through the January 20, 2017, inauguration.  Such lying could certainly have had serious ramifications.

In some cases there were direct lies.  One example is Comey telling the President-elect that he was not under investigation.  This was before knowledge of the DOJ’s counter intelligence operation known as Crossfire Hurricane became generally known.

Another example is Comey omitting of the fact that the Steel Dossier was paid for the Clinton Campaign through the DNC and the law firm Perkins Coie. Comey was guilty of this omission at least twice.  Once when he briefed PDJT about its contents and the other time when he signed off on the FISA warrant application without including said information.

Both of these actions were deliberate.  The FISA warrant one was particularly blood boiling since no judge, upholding his/her oath of office, would have signed those warrants if he/she knew about what the FBI/DOJ knew about the dossier’s origins and who paid for it.  However, the FISA warrant was a smokescreen.  It was part of the “insurance policy.”  It was obtained to provide a distraction away from the origins of Spygate.

Remember, they all expected Clinton to win.  If that had happened, then what they had done (more on this later) would have disappeared.  The FISA warrant would not have needed to be renewed.

The FISA warrant itself was another interesting exercise.  The principals had tried for such a warrant in June, 2016 but were rebuffed by the court.  This leads directly to the undercover operation against Carter Page. They set him up to make him look like he might very well be in contact with the Russians.  They used the State Department as their “source” for this one. After all, it would have been unseemly for the FBI or DOJ to be the source since Page had been instrumental in breaking up a Russian spy ring in NYC just a few months before.

It now appears that British, Italian and Australian intelligence services may have been involved.  Keep in mind that several high-ranking British intelligence officers have taken early retirement and half a dozen Italian officers were recently fired.

Then there was the Papadopoulos undertaking.  They tried to dirty him up to create more “suspicious” connections that could be used going forward.

Much of this appears to have been orchestrated by the CIA.  The people involved have been evil for a very long time, and they’re very good at it.  While it did lead to a FISA warrant in late October, 2016 and we should have righteous anger over what they did, keep in mind that this is NOT the origins of Spygate. This was to cover up other illicit activity and to provide a get out jail card for those involved.  Witness Susan Rice’s memo to self on Inauguration Day in 2017.

On January 5, following a briefing by IC leadership on Russian hacking during the 2016 Presidential election, President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with FBI Director Jim Corney and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the Oval Office. Vice President Biden and I were also present.

President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book“.

The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.

From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.

[Redacted Classified Section of Unknown length]

The President asked Corney to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Corney said he would.

If needed, this memo would be used to “justify” their actions.  They were just following protocols and were just trying to protect the country from a President-elect who might be a Russian agent.  Right.

After the firing of James Comey as FBI director, Rosenstein appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to continue the fraudulent Russia collusion investigation.  His job was to find dirt on Trump that would lead to his impeachment.  Once he was ousted as President, the origins of Spygate would be “safe.”  No President after Trump would dare to look into the issue if he wanted to stay in office.

Another way this might have been accomplished was to trap him into an obstruction of justice charge.  Remember, this is what brought Nixon down.  Regardless of whether either effort succeeded, the SC was also there to provide a shield for illicit activity undertaken by members of the Obama administration.  And as it turns out, this may include Mueller himself.

In order to be successful at this cover-up, they needed to control Papadopoulos and General Flynn.  So they ran operations that could be used to entrap them in something, anything, where they could file charges.  They did not want these people to be speaking their minds, as Papadopoulos now is, about what they knew.

Prosecutorial abuse is certainly on the table in the Michael Flynn case. Remember these people are evil and will do anything to advance their agenda.  Judge Sullivan has intuited that there are certain aspects of the case that require him to take a closer look at the “evidence.”  He has given the government until the end of the week to produce transcripts of all Flynn recordings as well as a DVD with the audio recordings.

However, even when Flynn and Papadopoulos do speak, they do not expose the origins of Spygate.  They just demonstrate the malfeasance of the whole corrupt operation but what they offer does not remotely connect to the origins.

The Mueller Report claimed that the Russians were massively invested in helping PDJT become President.  The Mueller report claimed that routine phishing activities originating in Russia demonstrated this. Such activities were successful in penetrating John Podesta’s emails.  The Report gave scant mention that such activities are routine and that players on both sides of the aisle were targeted.

The Report also claimed that the DNC server was hacked.  The data from the server led to WikiLeaks releasing troves of documents and emails.  The problem? Their claim was made without ever examining the server in question.  Why? Because the DNC refused to let them.

Scientific analysis of the files released showed that a physical connection to the server was necessary to achieve the speeds that occurred during the creation of the files.  So this was an inside job.  Who was the Russian agent here?  Most likely it wasn’t a Russian agent.  Most likely it was a disgruntled Democratic Party member who did not appreciate the way Bernie Sanders was treated during the primary campaign.

The Mueller report said that the Russian government “perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome.”

Really?  Just a couple of minutes of thought by a rational person would quickly lead that person to conclude the whole idea of the Russians helping Trump was ridiculous. This idea is just simply nonsense.

Which candidate, Trump or Clinton, would have served Russia’s national interests as well as Russian oligarchs’ interest the best?  Putin owned the Clintons.  The Uranium One deal approved by HRC at State led to $150+ million for the Clinton Foundation from Russian sources and a $500,000 “speaking” fee for Bill Clinton.

On the policy side HRC wanted to shut down coal mines and restrict the removal of hydrocarbons from the ground in America.  This would have led to an increase in world prices for hydrocarbons that would have resulted in vastly more money for Russian oligarchs.

On the other hand PDJT wanted to make America energy independent by increasing hydrocarbon production.  This would decrease world oil prices which Russia is dependent on for foreign capital.  And, as it turns out, PDJT has largely succeeded in this effort.

There are other issues as well.  A fuller discussion of this can be found here.

The last item in this is why would Putin back someone who had almost zero chance of winning?  Why would he risk angering HRC who was the odds on favorite to win?  All of this would have worked against Russia’s best interests.

The SC conflated some routine phishing and hacking activities into a massive attempt to influence the election. However, as shown above, Trump becoming President was not in Russia’s best interests by a wide margin.  Why did the SC do this?  Part of this effort was to provide justification for the spying that was done.  This is just another fraud perpetrated on the American public.  And it is contained in an official government report.

Another part of this effort is to discredit Trump as the legitimately elected President of the United States.  Although the Mueller Report indicates that the Trump campaign did nothing illegal, it is insinuating that without “massive Russian Interference” Trump would not have won.

And all of this is a distraction away from the origins of Spygate.

Mueller would probably still be in business if Jeff Sessions had remained as AG.  The country would still be pouring money down a s*****le covering up the many and various illicit activities of the last administration.  This is not to imply that Sessions was corrupt.  Sessions appears to be an honorable man.  However, he was maneuvered into recusing himself. This left control of the SC operation in DAG Rosenstein’s hands.  With the confirmation of Barr as AG, control returned to the Attorney General’s office. Mueller’s days as SC became numbered when this happened.

There are many other items that could be listed.

All of the above are sickening.  However, it does not expose the origins of the biggest political scandal in American history.   In fact, if one focuses on the dizzying levels of corruption demonstrated there, one will miss the origin.  Just where and when did the weaponization of various federal agencies against political opponents begin?  Where and when did the idea germinate?  And how widespread was the spying that was going on?  As more and more facts are exposed, I believe we will see that many more people than PDJT were being surveilled illegally.

To get there one should start with an angry outburst from Hillary Clinton after she had to handle some “tough” questions from Matt Lauer during the Commander in Chief forum in 2016.  Lauer was later sharply criticized by other MSM outlets for asking a couple of “tough” questions.

HRC ranted,

“If that bastard wins, we’re all gonna hang!”

Why was she so angry?  Why would she make such a statement?  What did she know that the American public did not know?  Just what was she afraid of?

A 99 page memorandum written by Judge Collyer, head judge of the FISA court, is the key to understanding this and to understanding the real origins of Spygate.

More on this in Part 2.